Chapter 3: How this can be the end when there was never a beginning.

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"Let's go over this again, last night, around 7:00 PM, you and Candice exit the restaurant, you locked the front door as Candice said good bye, when Candice leaves you and you locked the restaurant, you proceeded to walk to your car, as you unlock the car, someone hits you in the head with an object from behind, you black out, when you wake up you are in a hospital and Alan is telling you that someone hit you in the head, to later find out Vanessa Wise was the one who attacked you" Jeff says "Exactly" I say "You brought a video surveillance and it is clear, Vanessa Wise did attacked you from behind" Jeff says, I sigh, Alan is going to be pissed, but truth is I am tired and this is the only way I can ensure everything will end.

"I have everything I need from you, Robin, just one thing, as soon as Vanessa Wise is in custody, I need your lawyers information" Jeff says "Sure, Aurora Geller" I say "Geller? As in the chief's daughter?" Jeff asks "Yes" I answer, I have not told her, but yeah, she will be my lawyer "Aurora Geller, got it, well, I will get in touch with her and she will let you know what's next" Jeff says "Thanks Jeff" I say as I stand "Hey, Rob, by any means are you your to the restaurant?" Jeff asks "Super Police Breakfast" I answer "Guys, Robin is delivering, who else wants super police breakfast?" Jeff asks "I do" my usual 15 clients answer "Got it" I answer as I head to the exit of the police station.

"I have everything I need from you, Robin, just one thing, as soon as Vanessa Wise is in custody, I need your lawyers information" Jeff says "Sure, Aurora Geller" I say "Geller? As in the chief's daughter?" Jeff asks "Yes" I answer, I have not tol...

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For a slight chance there I believed that we were going to be finally together, but like all the times in the past, I was wrong, and I should give up, move on from him once it for all.

"Alan called again" Candice says as she enters to the kitchen, but I stay silent as I work on the orders "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks, I shake my head "So something did happened between the two of you" she says, I nod "What did the bas...

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"Alan called again" Candice says as she enters to the kitchen, but I stay silent as I work on the orders "Do you want to talk about it?" she asks, I shake my head "So something did happened between the two of you" she says, I nod "What did the bastard do this time?" Candice asks, I can feel the tears piling up again, I wipe them away as I shake my head "Come on, darling, we need to talk about it" Candice says "I am not ready" I say "We need to talk about it" she says, I sigh "He played with my feelings to get his fiancee back to him" I say "Oh, the bastard" Candice says "I just feel so stupid" I say as I clean my tears "I believed for a second there he truly wanted to be with me, build a life together, DAMN, I was even getting used of the idea of been together, then he comes with this bullshit, and dumps my sorry ass as soon as he got what he wanted" I add, Candice hugs me "He doesn't deserve you, not as a man, not as a best friend" Candice says "I know, but it hurts, because now it is so real, he doesn't love me like I love him and he never will" I say and Candice hugs me as I cry.

"Aurora is here" Candice says, I nod as I wipe away my tears "Take over the kitchen, have Ian help you deliver the orders" I say, Candice nods, I take a deep breath as I head to the main salon of the restaurant "Aurora, coffee?" I ask "Juice will be fine, pregnant, remember" Aurora says pointing at her belly "Right" I say as I pour her a glass of orange juice "Tell me everything as it happened" Aurora says as I place the glass in front of her "Last night, Candice and I were leaving the restaurant, I locked the front door, said good bye to Candice, she said good bye as she headed to her car, I was walking to my car, when I black out, no warning, nothing, when I wake up, I am in the hospital with a massive headache, there I find out that someone hit me in the head, later on, Alan tells kind off tells me that it was Vanessa, he was shady about it, and even if he said it, I knew I couldn't use him or his security guard as witnesses, so I took a look into the security system, and I have a video that proves that Vanessa attacked be with an object" I say "The police has a copy of the video, I need a copy as well, also, why weren't Alan and his security guard listed as witnesses?" Aurora asks "Because Alan doesn't want her to go to jail, so if I write him down as a witness, he would deny everything" I answer, Aurora frowns "By any means, did Alan knew that Vanessa was this dangerous?" she asks "Yes" I answer "Why do you think she attacked you?" Aurora asks "Because I started to date Alan" I answer "So Alan knew that Vanessa is this dangerous to herself and your persona, and still he engaged on a relationship with you?" she asks "Yes, just because she was hiding from him and her family" I answer "I see" Aurora says as she writes down "What do you want?" She asks "To never see any of the ever again" I answer "I'll make it happen" Aurora says as she grabs the glass of juice and drinks it.




"Robin's Paradise, Robin speaking" I answer "I have excellent news" Aurora says "I am listening" I say "Vanessa was arrested on her way to the airport a few hours ago as that happened I went to see the judge and got the restriction order approved, neither Alan or a member of the Wise family can be near you or contact you in any way, also, I made sure Vanessa didn't got bail, so so far everything is looking good for us" Aurora says, I sigh in relief "That makes me feel safe" I say "As it should be, now, Jason is a great lawyer and he must have told them to not bother you in any way, but obviously, neither Alan or the family wants jail for Vanessa, so they will try to along the lines try to contact you, deny talking to them, ignore them, and if necessary call the police, got it?" Aurora says "Got it" I say "Perfect, try to rest, Robin, I do not know if you took a look at the video, but she smacked your head pretty good" Aurora says "Now that she is in police custody, I might be able to do so" I say "Anything happens, call me" Aurora says "You got it" I say "Bye" Aurora says as she hangs up.

I sigh as I place the receiver back on the base, it is official, Alan and I are done.

I know it has nothing to do Denizen, but I cannot stop thinking about how the situations are very similar and the same time so different.

Denizen. Our best friend. We were a trio of best friends, since we were kids. We were neighbors, picture it, we were always together, as we grew up we started to find our identity, who we were back then and who we wanted to be, Denizen was not typical, his mind, his way of doing things, his way of thinking was always on a higher level, in a small town like this one, that is not always understood, he got picked a lot for being different, Alan would get into fights for him, but that did not stopped the beatings, the name calling. His parents got him psychological help to help him cope and deal with everything, we did everything to help him, to make him loved, but I guess it wasn't enough.

One night, Denizen and I were walking home from the movies, we were having the best of times, when he ran up with the school bullies, we did not wanted any sort of trouble, so we kept walking, they followed us, until they cornered us, one of them had nasty thoughts in his mind, and tried to be smart with me, Denizen got in the way, and he did what he despited the most, he recurred to violence, to my surprise, they left, never bothered Denizen again, and I guess that was it, Denizen breaking point was when he realized that to make it stop, he had to be like them.

Did that push him to take his life? I am not the one to tell, as for each minds are an individual universe and only the creator of that universe is the one to understand it.

A week later, Denizen took his life. He had been missing school for the whole week, he had been dodging us, our calls, so we stopped by his home, his mother told us he wasn't home, so we went to the lake, when he felt like everything was too much, he would go the lake by our homes. 

When we got there...the scene was gruesome...shocking...hard to believe.

Alan blamed himself for not being more attentive to the signs, for not being there more for him, and he spent years blaming himself for what happened to Denizen, for not getting there in time to save him. As much as Alan denies it, he sees Denizen in Vanessa, and he wants to stop her from harming herself, but he doesn't realize how he is hurting her, how he is hurting himself, and I cannot help him, when he refuses to see things as they are.

There is an end to something, where there wasn't even a beginning. 

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