Chapter 7: The Trial

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"Alan, please" Vanessa says as she reaches for my hand, I gently pull it away "I..." "Give it a rest, Vanessa, he needs space" Monique says "I love you, Alan, what I did..." "Stop it" Monique says to Vanessa "He needs to hear this, I need to tell him..." "You have ruined his life, my life enough, allow us to enjoy our last moments of freedom without having to listen to your voice" Monique says "Stay..." "I am sorry, Vanessa, but if you haven't notice, it has been a while since you got to call the shots, now be quiet" Monique says, Vanessa sighs as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Morning, everybody" Jason greets as he enters the room "Morning" Monique and I greet back, Vanessa ignores Jason, like she usually does "I have news, it is up to you to decide if they are good or bad" Jason says as he places his briefcase on the table.

I sigh, with our luck, they can be anything, but good.

"Yesterday, after the trial, Aurora called me into a meeting, and she made a deal for each one of you as long as you all plea guilty" Jason says "What's the deal?" Monique asks "You plea guilty, Aurora will advice the judge to give you probation time with psychological treatment" Jason answers "That means no jail time, right?" Monique asks "Exactly, it means you have to report to hearings to see your progress and you have to assist to monthly physiological sessions, and for the amount of time the judge determines, stay out of trouble" Jason answers "You got it" Monique says, Jason looks at me "Not pleading guilty was never in my plans" I say, Jason nods "Now comes the hard part" Jason says as he looks at Vanessa.

"I am not..." "I know you aren't, that's not the hard part, the thing is that after the statements Vanessa made through out the trial about not regretting causing harm and eventual death to Robin, Aurora was not able and did not offered a deal for Vanessa" Jason says "What?" Vanessa asks "Before you lose another screw, allow me to finish" Jason says, Vanessa sighs "In Aurora's words, she cannot offer mercy to someone who has not shown a little regret for her actions, also, to someone who has not been cooperative at all, but most importantly, she cannot offer a deal to the woman who took Robin from her family, because they requested that, now, Aurora has agreed to not request life in imprison, as long as you plea guilty" Jason says "I stand by my word" Vanessa says, we sigh.

"I do not have to plea guilty or feel sorry, because Jason will plea the insanity and that will be my card to keep me out of jail and we will be able to go on with our lives, happily, now that I know that Alan will always love me" Vanessa says "ENOUGH!" Monique says as she slams her firs on the table "There isn't any card or anything to keep you out of jail, the little fantasy you have running in your head in which you get away with everything, is exactly that, a fantasy, worst a delusion, something that is not going to happen" Monique snaps at Vanessa.

Vanessa looks at Jason "No, do not demand Jason anything, because I do not know if you have not noticed, dear sister, but Aurora Geller made sure Jason wasn't able to play the insanity card and keep you out of jail, she even made sure you were not able to spend your sentence in a mental facility, she is determined to send you to jail, and guess what? You made it easier for her, so take the damn offer, plea guilty" Monique snaps at Vanessa "I do not feel..." Vanessa says "HOW YOU FEEL STOPPED BEING IMPORTANT A LONG TIME AGO, VANESSA" Monique snaps at her, "I am not guilty" Vanessa says "Deal with this mess on your own" Monique says as she sits down.

"I will tell Aurora what she and I already suspected" Jason says as he exits the room.

This is a turn of events, but things would be even better if she was alive.

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