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I sigh as I sit down.

"I do not know what to say, Rob" I say.

"I never wanted for this to happen, but I was so blind on saving Vanessa that I didn't realize the damage I was doing to you, I was so blind, that I expected you to get by on your own like you always do" I say.

I sigh as I cry.

"What am I going to do know, Rob? You were the only one who was crazy enough to love me and look to where that got you, I think I am better of alone, that way I do not harm anybody" I say as I lean forward and place the flower in the vase.

"I am going to miss you so much, Rob, I already do" I say as I place the picture of Denizen, Robin, and I next to the others.

"I love you, Rob" I say as I stand up and walk away.

I frown as I place my hands in my pocket, what on earth? I pull out the paper, Robin's letter.

I frown as I notice the "Alan, Read me" tittle. I thought Aurora read the letter's contents.

Dear Alan:

You already gave up so much of yourself, maybe that's why you did not had enough for me, most importantly why you did not had enough for yourself.

If I die, do me a favor, live.

I do not deny it is going to be hard, neither expect you to not suffer, but I do expect you to live, and eventually move on.

Get yourself back. Focus on you and when you are ready, move on.

Find someone who loves you.
Do all the things you wanted to do.
Get married.
Have kids.

In conclusion, have a life.

I do not blame you for any of this, I really do not blame Vanessa either, it is hard to believe, even for myself, maybe I have managed to find peace with me dying, I ask you to do the same. Do not allow me dying hold you back, because that is not what I want.

I will always love you.


I cry as I kneel, I truly did not deserved her.

Living, I can do that for her.

I thought that once Vanessa was with reunited with her family and she was receiving treatment I was going to be back and just build my life with Robin, but even that I manage to mess up.

Who said love always has a happy ending?

When the truth is...love isn't always pretty.

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