The mischievous ghost

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It was the start of term at hogwarts for the first time in two years and you couldn't wait for the year to start. You were sitting at the staff table, looking out at all the excited kids, remembering how that was once you. You couldn't wait for the first years to arrive and be sorted. The looks of pure joy on their face when they find somewhere they belong. 

A couple minutes passed and the doors to the great hall opened, showing a women in emerald green robes entering the room, followed by multiple small children. You smiled as you watched your old professor lead the new students to the old sorting hat. The exact one that had put you in Hufflepuff all those years ago. 

You watched as the kids got sorted, smiling big whenever a kid got Hufflepuff. The woman, who you knew as Professor Mcgonagall, took a spot at Dumbledore's old podium. 

"Now," she began. "I'd like to welcome you all to a new year at Hogwarts! With the help of many generous students and parents, we were able to rebuild hogwarts in 2 years. Now, the forbidden forest is, as most of you know, forbidden. This year we also have some new staff. Professor Slughorn, taking the position of your potions teacher. Professor Vance as your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Profesor Knot as your muggle studies teacher. And finally, Ms. Lake, our school class helper and what muggle schools call, our school psychologist" 

There could be slight murmurs heard from the students. Many of the purebloods and some of the half-bloods didn't know what a psychologist was. With a wave of her hand the headmistress quieted everyone down and began to explain. 

"Ms. Lake will be here for all of you to talk to. Whether its about school work or something, a bit more serious. She is available to everyone, whether your a student, a member off the staff, or a ghost. Now," she waved her hand and food appeared on the gold plates on everyone's tables. "Enjoy" she smiled and went back to her seat at the teachers table.

Everyone began to enjoy their food, when they were greeted by the ghosts. Some crashed through the windows, riding on horses, others floated through walls or the ceiling, and one poked his head out from underneath the Gryffindor table. 

The ghost at the Gryffindor table floated about the table, and picked up the apples which had been in the bowl underneath him. He began to juggle several apples, not realizing that he didn't know how to juggle. The apples all fell to the tables, nearly hitting some Gryffindor students. 

You laughed, not realizing who the ghost had been. You remembered that during the war, Sir Nicholas had completely lost his head and was invited to join the headless hunt. Which meant that a new Gryffindor ghost was needed. 


You were halfway through dinner when you felt a pair of eyes on you. You looked to your side and saw a man smirking at you. Cody Knot. He was a Gryffindor who had been in the same year as Cedric Diggory. He was also the new muggle studies professor. 

Cody was one of the most obnoxious people you knew. In your third year you went to the yule ball with him so you could see Ginny. He was constantly talking to other girls, bragging about how he would have crushed the tournament. He had an humongous ego and only cared about himself. Remember Lockheart? Yeah. Cody's worse. 

You turned your gaze back to your food, ignoring Cody, but continuing to watch the new Gryffindor ghost making the students laugh. You spent the whole dinner racking your brain, trying to figure out who the ghost was. 

"Could it be someone who died in the battle?" you thought. Well, it is a possibility. 

By the end of dinner you still hadn't know who the ghost was. That is until- 


The ghost stopped in his tracks, apples in his arms, and turned to stare at the women, who was scowling and looked like she was about to kill him, again. 

The great hall went dead silence. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and looked back and forth between the headmistress and the ghost. All of a sudden the ghost dropped the apples, which began to go everywhere, and ran out of the great hall screaming "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE!" 

Parts of the great hall were laughing, others were shaking their heads in annoyance, and a few Slytherins were rubbing the backs of their heads, hoping that they weren't bruised. 

You laughed, which earned you a stare from Mcgonagall. You shrunk into your seat and stuffed a roll into your mouth. 

"One of the famous pranksters. Oh boy. This is going to be a long year," you thought to yourself. You got out of your chair and exited the great hall along with the rest of the staff. You made your way to your quarters and could barely sleep from your excitement of finally getting to teach students. 

Me And Your Ghostजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें