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It was now the first day of term and classes were starting. You had been up most of the night preparing your stuff and getting lessons ready. You had overslept and missed breakfast. You wore yellow robes, similar to those of the Hufflepuff students. 

You grabbed your books and lesson plans and walked out of your quarters, which was guarded by a painting of a mouse, your patronus. 


You had been walking down the corridor so fast you hadn't even realized that you had walked into someone. Or more accurately, walked through them. You let out a gasp as you realized you had just walked into a ghost. You turned around not even looking at who the ghost was and started talking. 

"Merlin! I'm so sorry. I was looking at my book and didn't see you! i-" You looked up and saw a man, and despite the fact that he was standing, he hovered over you. You looked up at the ghost. There was slight scratches and bruises covering his body. His hair was short and he wore a green jacket. 

"It's alright. No harm done" He smiled polity at you and backed up a little. "Y/n is it? You're Ginny's friend," the ghost looked at you. You could see a hint of pain in his eyes at the mention of his little sisters name. 

"Yeah. And your the famous Fred Weasley," you chuckled. He smiled slightly. All you wanted to do was tell him how much his family missed him and how well they were doing now. But you couldn't. It wasn't your place, especially since you and Fred hadn't been friends during your time at Hogwarts. 

You glanced at your watch realizing the time. 8:55. "Merlin! I have to go but it was nice meeting you Fred!" You said as you scurried down the corridor, giving him a wave goodbye. 

Your first class was transfiguration with Professor Mcgonagall. Even though she was headmistress, Mcgonagall taught one or two classes a day, because of her love for teaching the students. 

You walked quietly into the transfiguration classroom and put your books down on the professor's desk. Mcgonagall turned around and nodded her head to you as a greeting. You smiled back. 

"Now," she began, pointing her wand to what was written on the chalkboard in front. "Today we will start off with practicing the simple wand movements of the spell Vera Verto," and she laid her wand in her hand, pacing back and forth. 


You were just leaving your 3rd class, which had been Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid and the 4th years when you came across a bucket. A bucket that smelled of dead fish and other rotten smells. You looked up and saw the bucket sitting on the top of the door, so that whoever opened the door would get covered in the smelly slime. 

Beside the bucket was a ghost. He was hovering next to the bucket trying to place it perfectly. You crossed your arms and coughed, to make your presence known. The ghost turned around and saw you. He floated down, and became eye level with you. He was hovering on his stomach, with his chin resting on his arms. 

"Yes," he said in a long and childish manner. You looked up at the bucket and laughed. 

"What are you doing?," you said, a chuckle escaping your mouth. 

Fred looked back innocently at the bucket. "Nothing," he said calmly. 

"Oh really now?" You took out your wand and pointed it at the bucket. "Wingardium leviosa" The bucket gently floated down and landed on the floor. You looked at the bucket and smiled. "Doesn't look like nothing," you said playfully. 

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