Sweet Sweet Sorrow

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Trying to wade through the mashed potatoes, you made your way back to the train station where some carriages were already waiting. Now that the streets were practically inaccessible, there was nothing really left to do.

As soon as the carriages started boarding, you entered one and sat down. You watched as Hogwarts students and staff boarded the surrounding carriages. Only a minute before your carriage started off for the castle, someone finally squirmed their way in.

Cody entered the carriage, shaking potato off his legs, and sat down with a sound of disgust.

"Disgusting, honestly. Who in their right mind covers a whole town in potatoes!"

"I don't think he's ever been in his right mind," you mutter under your breath.

Cody raised his eyebrow. "What was that?"

"Nothing" you said with an innocent smile. 

"Alright then" he said with a sigh. "Now that I think about it, we never got around to finishing our butterbeers, did we"

"No i guess we didn't"

"I guess we'll just have to go out again next Hogsmeade trip" He smirked slightly.

"I guess so. It can be like a teacher meeting"

"Right..." he said. "a teacher meeting" you smiled and nodded at him. "Definitely not a date," he muttered under his breath. 

He looked out of the carriage window. Outside, there was bits of mashed potato, even extending outside of Hogsmeade. "I will admit," you chuckled. "It's impressive how he did this"

"How who did this?" Cody looked back at you with raised brows. 

"Fred. The Gryffindor ghost. You didn't know it was him?"

"No, i didn't" he said in a low voice. "I'm sure loads of people are thanking him for this right now". Mistaking his snide remark as a joke, you chuckled. 

Before you knew it, the carriages had arrived just outside of Hogwarts. Cody hurried to stand up before you and exit the carriage so that he could stand outside and offer you his help. You smiled at him but didn't take his offered hand. 

He scowled a little as you began to walk towards the castle. He tried to catch up to you but lost you in the growing crowd of people.

You could see many students either running to go inside and tell their friends what had happened, or running outside to ask their friends about what had just occurred. 

When you entered the castle, Nara ran up to you, panting. 

"Is it true!" she said excitedly. "Was there an explosion at Hogsmeade!"

"Not quite," you chuckled. 

"Well what happened! Everyone is talking about something in Hogsmeade!"

"Just some ghost problems"

Nara nodded to show she understood what you meant by 'ghost problems'. "What have you been up to? I didn't see you at Hogsmeade"

"Oh uh" Nara's cheeks flushed a shade of pink. "Me and Emmie were in the library" 

"You and Emmie were hanging out!" You almost squealed because of how excited you were for Nara. 

"We were just studying" she said hastily. 

You grinned. "Studying eh" you raised your eyebrows up and down in a suggestive manner. 

"No! No! Nothing like that!" she replied, quickly getting flustered.

"I'm only joking Nara. Don't worry"

She sighed in relief and muttered "thank Merlin" under her breath. You heard another girl call Nara's name, and the two of you turned to see Emmie approaching. 

"Nara! There you are! When everyone returned from Hogsmeade you rushed out of the library" she said. Her voice was light and sweet, and she seemed so innocent. 

"Hi!" you said, looking towards the blonde girl. "You must be Emmie. I've heard a lot about you"

"Really?" Emmie replied, looking at Nara with a smile. 

"No! She hasn't! I mean! I talk about you as much as friends talk about each other! I mean-! I was trying to-!" she laughed nervously and pushed you away from Emmie and to the otherside of the corridor. Her cheeks were flushed with a deep shade of red. 

You laughed. "Nara, relax" you said calmingly. "I would never tell her anything if you weren't ready."

"I know I know," she said, looking at the floor. 

"I do think you should tell her, sooner rather than later. I know you don't see it but i do, and i think she feels the same way about you"

Nara looked up to meet your eyes. "Really?" she said, and you could see a slight gloss over her eyes. 

"Really" you chuckled. You shoved her slightly towards her 'friend'. "If i were you, i would stop standing in the corner talking to my professor, and go talk to Emmie"

"Yes! Right! Sorry!" She turned around and smiled at Emmie who waved back, looking very confused. "Thanks Y/n!" she smiled and ran back to her blonde haired Gryffindor friend. 

You smiled at the sight of them. The two girls grabbed each others hand, you could see each one blushing slightly, and ran together back to the library to continue their studying. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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