chapter three;

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"I'm so excited for shopping," Kendall grinned. "I haven't been shopping in forever."

"Didn't we go shopping two weeks ago?" Maddie asked.

"Oh, yeah," Kendall burst into a fit of giggles. "I forgot!"

Chloe cleared her throat, making Kendall stop her laughing. "Anyways. We're going to meet up in the food court, okay? I have to get money from my Dad."

"The food court, ooh! I love the food court. Have you had the cinnamon pretzels? They have icing too, and-"

"Kendall!" Chloe yelled. Chloe always thought Kendall was really annoying, and hoped that one day she would just find new friends or something. But when she moved to their town in 8th grade, she became friends with Maddie which basically made her a package deal with the group.

Kendall giggled softly. "Sorry. I've just been on this diet forever, and I'm so hungry. But it's the price to pay for being thin!"

Maddie looked down at her lunch. "D-Diet? What type of diet?"

"Oh, it's really complicated," Kendall sighed. "I'm on my 6th day of doing it. Today I can only eat one cup of rice and cooked vegetables!"

"Where did you find it?" Maddie asked quickly.

Chloe raised her eyebrows. Chloe had known Maddie all her life, and never did she ever talk about dieting. She always seemed confident and talked about how fat the other girls were.

"I'll send you the detes," Kendall said as she opened her lunch box. Sure enough, she pulled out a small container of rice topped with vegetables.

Chloe continued to eat her lunch. Maddie was probably just acting weird because her crush (Patrick Stanley) had just recently started dating a girl on the cheer team. It had to be it, right?


"Dad, I'm home!" Chloe called as she entered the house. "Where are you?"

"I'm in my office!" He called back. Chloe's dad owned a company called Luke Inc., which sold clothing for plus-sized teenagers. Chloe thought the clothes were cute, but luckily couldn't fit into them.

Chloe entered her Dad's at-home office and sat down in a chair. Her dad gave his oldest daughter a warm smile. "How was your day, Chlobird?"

"It was fine, Dad." Chloe smiled back. "I'm going shopping with the girls. Can I have some money?"

Marc sighed. "Chlo, I told you. The company hasn't been doing too good lately and you have plenty of clothes."

Chloe pouted. "Please, Daddy? I need a new dress for my party in March!"

"Chloe, I said no." He said sternly. Chloe usually had her Dad in the palm of her hand. She wasn't used to him saying no.

"You would give Clara the money!" Chloe narrowed her eyes. "Mom gives Clara new things all the time. Don't you love me?"

"Of course I love you! But we need to save our money. We can't be throwing it away on a dress you'll only wear once." Marc said.

A woman with a tight bun entered the room. "Marc, the talent agency is trying to talk to you again."

He sighed and stood up. "Thank you, Olive. I'll be there in a second."

The lady (what type of name is Olive?) nodded and exited.

"You know what, Daddy. I understand. We do need to save our money," Chloe smiled.

Marc smiled. "Thank you, Chloe. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to talk to somebody." He hurried out of the room.

Chloe stood up from the chair and reached over the desk to grab his wallet, pulling out three 50 dollar bills.


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