chapter five;

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After the four girls had finished their lunch, they decided to head to Forever 21 to start looking for dresses. Chloe said she wanted to try a casual look, and Forever 21 was a mix of casual and fancy, which all the girls said they liked. Plus it was a lot cheaper than those fancy dress shops Chloe usually went to.

"Look at this!" Chloe snickered, holding up a black dress with white stripes down the sides. "It looks like.. a stripper nun!" She laughed.

A girl came out of the dressing rooms near Chloe, wearing the exact same dress the blonde was laughing at. Her face turned a deep shade of red and she hurried back into the cubby to change.

Kendall pulled out a blue dress with sparkles at the top and a poofy bottom. "Mads, you would look so pretty in this!" Kendall gushed.

Chloe snatched the hanger from Kendall's hands and looked at the size on the tag. "It's an extra small. Maddie won't fit into this." She wrinkled her nose and began searching through the rack of blue dresses.

Maddie bit her lip as she blushed.

Kendall grabbed the dress back. "No, Maddie is an extra small or small. Remember? We're all the same size."

Chloe pulled out the exact same dress, but the hanger read 'XL' instead of the original 'XS'. "I know, but she gained a lot of weight over the holidays. She doesn't look like a small anymore..." She shoved the dress into Maddie's hands.

Was it true? Maddie thought she had gained a pound or two over the holidays (I mean, who hadn't?), but she never thought she went up 2 or 3 whole sizes.

She had to prove that to Chloe. She knew the dress would be too big and when she zipped it, the gorgeous dress would fall and Maddie would come back to retrieve her extra small dress meant for her.

She hurried into one of the empty dressing rooms and quickly slid into the dress. She reached back and zipped it up, gasping when she turned around.

The dress fit.

It wasn't even a little bit too big. It fit perfectly. She looked great in the dress. Her blue eyes were bright, matching the dress's color. It hugged her hips and her boobs looked great. She knew if this was any other size, Chloe would compliment her on how fabulous she looked.

But no. This was an extra large, and Chloe would just say "I told you so!" and tell her to stop eating so many carbs.

Maddie felt tears well up in her eyes. She was fat.

She immediately shook her head and stood up straight. No. Like Maddie's mother had said when she had gained weight after Kenzie was born, she was curvy. She wasn't fat and she wanted to be proud of herself.

She let the dress fall to the floor and got dressed into her leggings and sweater from earlier. After sliding the dress back on the hanger, she went back out into the area where her friends were waiting. Kendall was examing a sweater while Kalani and Chloe went through the rack of more expensive dresses.

"It doesn't fit." Maddie said, shoving the hanger into Chloe's hands with a smirk on her face. If she lost weight she could come back and get the extra small dress before the party. It would be perfect.

"Why didn't you come show us? I could've gotten a seamtress to-"

"It didn't fit." Maddie sighed. "It was way too big. Not even the best seamtress in the state could fix it."

Chloe rolled her eyes and hung the dress back up. "Whatever. Now, let's go. This store is too cheap and mainstream for my taste." She sashayed out of the store with Kalani on her heels.

Kalani and Chloe walked ahead of the two brunettes, chatting about leather pumps they saw on sale.

"You would've looked great if that dress fit, you know," Kendall said quietly. "We can maybe come back tomorrow. I told Chloe that you were an extra small, but whatever."

Maddie dug her nails into her skin. "Uh, I don't know. Maybe in a few more weeks? I have to babysit Kenzie."

"Kenzie stays home all the time," Kendall laughed. "Or she can just come to the mall with us."

Maddie quickly shook her head. "Oh, no. Kenzie hates the mall." That wasn't entirely true. Kenzie wasn't a big fan of shopping, but she didn't care if Maddie dragged her to the mall sometimes.

"Oh." Kendall frowned. "Well, we can come back later, then. You need that dress."

Maddie nodded and followed behind the girls. Kendall had raced ahead and was now chatting with the two girls.

Maddie noticed that even through Chloe's tank top and cardigan, you could see how skinny she was. She needed to be that skinny to fit into an extra small.

And she would do it no matter how far she had to go.


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