chapter eight;

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Later that day, Kendall was hurrying through the crowd of kids to her bus. Unlike Chloe and Kalani, who already had their own cars, Kendall didn't have her own car because her parents believed that she should buy her own car, so she was forced to ride the bus home.

Because kids were still sitting outside, she was the first one on the bus. "Hi, Cindy," Kendall said politely as she climbed into the yellow vehicle.

The old lady gave Kendall a polite nod as the brunette made her way to the back seat. She slid into the single seat and plopped her backpack under the seat so she could sit.

After about 15 minutes, more kids began to climb on the bus and Kendall could feel her heart rate quicken. All the kids would yell and take pictures the entire bus ride, sometimes saying sexual jokes. She hated the bus.

The bus started and Kendall shrunk back in her seat as she scrolled through Instagram.

She felt a tap on her shoulder and looked up to see a boy in her Geometry class, Gavin, sitting next to her with a huge grin. "Hey, Vertes. Wanna hear a Yo Mama joke?"

She sighed and sat up straigher, running her hand through her straightened hair. "Uh, I guess."

Gavin elbowed the boy next to him with a boy-ish grin before turning back to her. "Yo mama's so fat, she left the house in heels and came back in flats!"

The two boys in the seat across from her began to kneel over laughing at his pathetic Yo Mama joke, while Kendall just awkwardly sat there.

Gavin nervously stopped laughing. "You don't think that's funny?" He said.

Kendall shrugged. "Uh, no. Not really," she said shyly.

The boy next to Gavin elbowed his side. "It's because her mom is probably dead, Gavin," the boy whispered.

Gavin's eyes widened and he turned to Kendall. "Oh, shit! Listen, I'm so sorry. I didn't think about that. I'm such a-"

"My mom isn't dead," Kendall choked out quickly.

Luckily, the bus halted in front of Kendall's house. She quickly pushed out of the seat and hurried off the bus, feeling all eyes burning on her as she left.


Kendall turned on her phone to check the time for the third time in the past minute. "Mom, hurry up! It's 4:02 and the meeting started at 4!"

Kendall was nervous. Once again, not being able to drive really sucked. If her mom hadn't taken so long to do her make-up, then Kendall wouldn't be late and she wouldn't be yelled at by Chloe.

"I can't just run a red light, Kendall!" Jill snapped, making Kendall sulk back in her seat.

The light turned green and Jill turned left into Chloe's neighborhood. Chloe lived farther away from the Vertes'. The Lukasiaks lived in a richer part of town, with huge houses and nice shops all around. Kendall didn't consider herself poor, but she definately wasn't as rich as Chloe.

Once Jill pulled into Chloe's driveway, Kendall pushed open the door and ran up the steps to their front door.

She waved to her mother as she pulled out of the driveway and turned to hit the doorbell. The song of bells echoed through the large house before it silenced and the door opened.

Chloe had her blonde hair in a high ponytail, and she wore a Victoria Secrets sports bra with matching sweatpants. It was something Kendall could never wear, even in the comfort of her own home. "It's about time," she said harshly.

"Sorry. My mom took forever-"

"I didn't ask. Let's go," Chloe said. She shut the door behind Kendall before leading her through the extravagant foyer and up to Chloe's bedroom.

Kalani sat on the bed filing her nails, with Maddie next to her flipping through a copy of Seventeen.

"Look who decided to appear!" Chloe told the two girls. Their heads snapped up to look at Kendall.

Kendall sheepishly smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed next to her two friends. Chloe shut the bedroom door and sat down in her bubble chair, which was hanging from the ceiling.

"Okay. I called this meeting because as you know, because my party needs to be the best thing that has happened at FRHS since Penelope Harris became pregnant with quintuplets," Chloe said. "And how will we accomplish that?"

Maddie slightly raised her hand. "By becoming more popular?"

"Well, obvi!" Chloe rolled her eyes. "We need details, people!"

"You know that girl whose dad owns a bar? I think her name is Charity Lawrence?" Kalani asked. "I could sweet talk her into getting us some expensive beer and stuff."

"Yes, Lani! I knew there was a reason you were my favorite," Chloe grinned.

"Maybe somebody could flirt with Hudson Myers into being the DJ for $10 an hour," Maddie said. "Didn't he do that for those kids at the Catholic high school downtown?"

"Ooh, yeah!" Chloe nodded. "I vote Kendall does it."

Kendall's eyes widened. "What? Why me?!"

"Because, you're perfect for the job. Look how gorgeous you are, and you're the sweetest one out of all of us," Chloe said. "I'll text you the address to the radio station. He's the best DJ in town. You have to get him."

Kendall couldn't say no. Chloe would get really mad. "Okay... fine.."

Oh, she didn't know what she had gotten herself into.

HELLO chloe is a lot like chanel from scream queens aha

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