part 2

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"Wait wait wait!" You ran after Linda.

"What?" She quickly turned around, stopping right in front of the carpet. The cameras still had a view of you, so they quickly took preview photos. Obviously, not you, but of Linda.

"Someone forgot to blend and fix her lipstick." You took your thumb and started fixing the edges of the color around her lips. Subconsciously, you licked your thumb trying to get rid of the smudges. Her eyes lingered on your face, sometimes going to your lips. However, you being so focused on your job, you didn't notice.

"Okay, do a spin for me." Linda spun and you made sure nothing had happened the 5 seconds you were apart. "You look hot," you giggled.

"All thanks to you."

"You give me too much credit, Ms. Cardellini." You bowed, "But, thank you." You stood up normally. "Alright, I got other people who need my expertise," you smiled brightly.

"I'll see you soon, y/n." You smiled, then walked away. While walking away, you heard a bunch of reporters asking stuff about who Linda's dating. You even heard your name in there. Which made you gasp in shock.

"People think I'm dating my client? What?" These words stayed in your mind the whole premiere.

One month later

"I swear to god if I hear one more question about who I'm dating! I mean, can't a woman just be by herself and depend on herself only? Women can be successful on their own. Who said we need a fucking man?"

"Oop. There it is. Proof she's straightie mcstraight straight, " you said in your head. You placed your tilt head on your hand. "It's okay, hon. If anything, just move onto the next question or simply ignore them."

"But, won't that make it seem like I'm actually dating someone? Plus, I don't want to come off as rude if I ignore them."



"Shhhh, Cardellini. I'm thinking." She giggled at you. An assistant knocked on the door of the dressing room.

"Shit. Alright, let me know after." She walked out the door.

Midway through her interview you got it. However, you had to go back home since you saw your cat knock things over on your cameras. You quickly grabbed a post it and wrote "I have a plan." You signed it, so she knew it was from you. Then, you left.

hehe I guess I should write for the Paulson story now bye bye

I Have a Plan (Linda Cardellini)Where stories live. Discover now