part 4

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It was the next day and you started feeling sick to your stomach ( KIDDING) You, being you, woke up around noon as usual. But, instead of getting up and being productive, you just stayed in bed and went through your phone. I mean, you only had the "date" with Linda today, so what else would you do? You could get up and eat breakfast or something. That's what a normal person would do.




we're friends... and why would she like someone like me

just sayinggg

you're weird

awww, thank you!

You threw on a nice ass outfit.

please like this one omfg

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please like this one omfg

You left your hair down naturally, put your rings on because yes, and walked out the door. Stupidly enough, you forgot your phone, so you ran back inside. Linda was picking you up 15 minutes and 23 seconds late. Just kidding, you didn't give a shit. But, you were worried about losing your reservation since the restaurant you chose was really popular. You only got in because of connections and honestly, they were running out.

y/n: pssttt where are you

Linda: the restaurant...


Linda: I was supposed to pick you up?

y/n: ...I'll be there soon

Linda: I'm sorryyy

You drove to the restaurant as fast as you could, immediately finding Linda, then sat at your table. You managed to get there before the paparazzi, so you were able to avoid that. You rolled your eyes at the thought of them. Obviously, they didn't care about you, but you saw how they treated the celebrities. They were all the same. Never respected anyone's privacy, even when their children came into play. You were absolutely disgusted by them.

"I'm sorry for not picking you up, y/n."

"Oh, nono. Don't worry about it."

"Can I... make it up to you? With ice cream? Your favoriteeee," she smiled.

"I'd love to." You reached for her hand and smiled. You made sure to ask for a seat by the windows, so the cameras had a clear shot of the two of you.

"You're welcome you obsessed camera-ready freaks," you thought rolling your eyes.

time skip to ice creammm

"Thank you for today, hon. This was probably one of the best dates I've ever had. Even if it was fake." Linda looked over at you from the other side of the sidewalk, licking her ice cream.

"Only one of the best," you raised one of your eyebrows, holding your cup of ice cream.

"Yeah... a guy took me on a helicopter ride."

"Aw shit! Hmmm..."

"What are you thinking about?"

"Just.. trying to think of something that would be your number one date."

"You're really competitive, aren't you?"

"Only for things that count. For example, my job and number one dates."

Linda laughed beside you before kissing your cheek

"What was that for?"

"What? I can't kiss my girlfriend on the street?"

"Oh, nono you can! Wait, do it again just for fun."

Then, you felt a pull against your wrist and a pair of soft lips on yours. Moving ever so gently.

As a pack of noisy, camera-ready animals started yelling questions at the two of you, Linda grabbed your hand again and started running towards her house. You, honestly, cannot run for shit, but it is what it is.

"You really made me run with ice cream, Cardellini."

"Shhh, I potentially saved your life from the vultures."

The rest of your night you just talked with Linda. You never really talked to her much out of ya know stylist duties, but you've always liked her. And, she's liked you. Only, both of you don't know that yet.

tehea hey y'all sorry this toook so long Idk I didn't feel like writing I told y'all the chapters would get longer :)

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