He's who's Godson? PART 4

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! Between finals in school and applying for 2 different ones, I've had a lot on my plate.

As always, requests are still open, and DM's are always open if anyone needs to talk.

I hope you enjoy and have a great Tuesday!


Peter stared out the window, watching each tree fly by as they drove, hands practically shaking in anticipation. 

I'm really going to meet the Avengers!

He bit down on his bottom lip as he went over -for the twentieth time- what he's going to say

his eyes traveled over to the clock on the dashboard, wondering how much time has passed. 

Honestly, could we be going any slower?

Out of the corner of his eye, Peter saw Bruce shake his head in amusement,

"Take some deep breaths, kid. They're just normal people, same as you."

Peter raised a single eyebrow, staring at his Godfather in exasperation,

"Same as me?" he scoffed, "They're the Avengers, Uncle Bruce. One of thems like ninety years old."

Bruce let out a low chuckle, "just wait until you meet them. They'll love you, trust me."

Peter shook his head and turned his gaze back to the window, deciding that his Godfather wouldn't understand.

Peter started to get lost in his thoughts when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

He turned his head, seeing Bruce looking at him through concerned eyes.

"shouldn't you be keeping your eyes on the road?" He asked, squirming slightly under the man's gaze

Bruce made a sharp nod to his left, directing Peter's sight to the traffic light, which was currently glowing a bright red


"are you alright?" Bruce asked, drawing Peter's attention back to him

Peter's eyebrows scrunched in confusion, "y-yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You're gripping your side." Bruce motioned to Peter's hand, which was, sure enough, clutching onto his bottom ribs

Peter let out a sheepish laugh, "okay, maybe my side still hurts a little..."

Bruce's eye's only seemed to grow more concerned at the response,

"We're almost at the tower, I promise. No more than five minutes. You think you can handle the pain until then?"

Peter nodded his head, determined not to show an ounce of weakness, "I'm fine, Uncle Bruce. It's just a little sore, nothing I haven't handled before."

Bruce looked as though he were going to say something else, but a soft green glow shining through the windshield brought his attention back to the road.

Peter sighed in relief, grateful there wouldn't be any more questions.

He once again watched cars pass by through his window, looking up to see the clouds move throughout the sky as if blown by a giant fan

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