Chapter One: The Misson

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Nova's POV

I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes through the small window I have in my bedroom. Well shit. 

Forcing myself out of bed, I walk to my closet grabbing the first thing I see, and hastily throw it on.  

Most days I'm up and already halfway to school by the time the sun starts to rise above the horizon, but last night I stayed up late finishing up an essay that's due today. 

It's not like I'll be late for school though, I still have plenty of time to make it there before class starts. I just worry that Senna beat me there.

Senna Nolwenn and I have been competing to be the best at everything since we were six. She's not someone I would hang out with if I had a choice, but I don't have a choice so that doesn't really matter. My dad is one of the five council members that govern our land, and I am next in line to the Attaway family seat on the council, because of that the only people I have ever really been able to be around my whole life are the other council members children (or someone who the council members approve of). 

There's Senna, next in line to the Nolwenn family seat, Vale, next in line to the Keenstone family seat, Lark, next in line to the Belmont family seat, and my best friend Oslo, next in line to the Lamaine family seat. 

The five of us really have only talked to each other our whole lives. We aren't that close though, well we used to be but after what happened between Oslo and Vale we've sort of drifted apart. Senna and Lark took Vale's side and I took Oslo's. We still talk (mostly because we have to) but usually, it's awkward forced conversation. 

I quickly run a brush through my hair, grab my backpack and run out the door. Sitting at the end of my driveway is the black car that picks me up and takes me to school every day, courtesy of the council. Quickly I jump in the back swinging the car door closed behind me. 

"You're running late today I've been here waiting for over an hour," the driver tells me, I can tell he's annoyed by the slight tone in his voice but he hides it as best as he can, he's probably afraid if he angers me I'll lash out like my mom might have, most people think that of me actually. My whole life I've been taught not to follow in my mom's footsteps and I've always been punished for her mistakes. 

The funny thing about that though is that I barely even remember my mom, my dad left her to join the rebellion and took me with him when I was four. I remember her singing me to sleep and waking with me around the garden, but that never lasted long she was always whisked away to do her job as queen. The only thing I truly remember is what she looked like.

"I slept in" I respond swiftly opening my bag to grab the emergency granola bar I have in there for when I'm late. 

When we arrive at what once was the royal castle, and is now where all official business happens like council meetings, training, and where the heirs to the council seats go to school, I head straight to the "education hall" passing the sign in the main entrance that reads

"After the war, the people of Estilee thought it would be best to opt for a council instead of a monarchy, the council seats are passed down like a hereditary monarchy, but the two main differences are council members can be voted off by the people if needed, and all members must agree on a law for it to pass. Citizens of Estilee we promise to keep you safe"

In all my years of coming here, I still don't understand why they felt the need to put that on a huge sign and stick it right in the entrance to the building, my dad said it serves as a reminder for all council members what their duty is, and to the people what they can do if the council members don't do their job or something along those lines. Whatever the reason is I think the sign looks absurd.

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