Chapter Three: The Swords

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Senna's POV

"Class is not over, you can wait unt-" Mr.Tredgar starts.

It's too late the five of us are already running out, on our way to the hospital hall.

When we get there there is a large crowd gathered around the door to one of the rooms. They're whispering amongst themselves, but they aren't who's making the most noise in the hall.

Before I can even see them I know our parents are already here. Their loud voices ring throughout the hall as they argue.

"I think it would be good for them" I hear Vale's dad say.

"Absolutely not Calix! Are you out of your mind?" Wren yells back.

"But we did promise them," Faine says her voice calm and collected.

Something about Faine that I've noticed over the years, is that out of all of the council members she seems to be the one that tries to resolve conflict while the others are constantly adding fuel to the fire.

"We promised they could get more involved AFTER we question the spy, we never said they could be in the room WHEN we question the spy" responds Haven Lamaine.

"What if we allow one of them in?" My mom asks.

"I don't hate that idea... as long as it's not my Oslo who goes in"

"Yeah and there's no way in hell Nova will be going in either"

We push our way through the crowd (elbowing anyone who doesn't move) following the sound of our parent's bickering.

By the time we make it to them, they seem to have come to an agreement.

"Greetings children nice of you to finally join us"

Mom seems to have recovered from the state she was in last night. Her long blond hair is pulled back into a tight bun, and her face is back to being emotionless.

"We've agreed that one of you is allowed to be in the room when we question the spy," she says.

I can hear both Lark and Vale whispering "please be me" under their breath over and over.

Every part of me wants to be the one in that room. Even if I don't get to ask questions I want to hear his account firsthand.

 If Vale goes they'll come back and give a very poorly explained summary of what Vick said, and if Lark goes he'll come back and give an overly explained summary that will last for like two hours.

"Senna" my mom looks towards me "follow us."


Quickly I turn around and whisper

"I'll tell you about it when I get back" as the council members lead me into the room.

Vick lies on the hospital bed in front of me. He looks a lot better since the last time I saw him, I mean the last time I saw him he was on the verge of death but still.

His cuts seem to be healing but his bruises are still bright purple. He has bandages scattered all over his body and his arm is in some kind of sling.

"How are you feeling Vick?" My mom asks walking to the bed.

"Oh, I'm just spectacular."

He looks disappointed but not surprised she doesn't laugh at his sarcasm.

"I assume you know why we're here?"

He nods, takes a deep breath, and starts to recount what happened.

Ever never knowingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora