Chapter Five: The Capital

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Vale's POV

No leaving the capital building.

That's what our parents told us after we ran back and filled them in on what we knew.

The sun had already gone down by the time we got back so our parents thought it would be safer to just have us sleep at the capital building tonight instead of traveling home in the dark. I tried to make the argument that a driver would be driving us so it would be completely safe but Haven shut me down immediately.

I had begged my dad to let me go home, he replied with "Sorry but if I let you out of my sight after what you just told us, your mom would kill me.

Well it's good to know the only reason he cares about my safety or well-being is cause he doesn't want a lecture from mom. 

I make my way to my room at the capital, dreading having to sleep here later tonight cause the rooms are always drafty and the beds are almost always lumpy.

 Not to mention the room Oslo always sleeps in is right across from mine. So I can't even do something as simple as get a snack in the middle of the night without running the risk of seeing him and having that awkward moment where neither of us want to talk to the other so we just stand there staring until one of us finally walks away.

Our rooms being so close used to be a good thing when we were dating. 

He would sneak into my room, or I would sneak into his and we would make out or stay up all night whispering about you know...whatever.

But everything changed when we broke up. He was still the same Oslo, closed off not opening up to anyone, the only difference was he stopped talking to me all together.

It made me pissed (and still kinda does). He shouldn't get to be the one to  ignore me, I should be the one ignoring him. He owes me that much right?

"How's your nose?" Lark asks barging in not long after I got to my room.

"It's been a few days, so it doesn't hurt as much anymore" I respond kicking my shoes of and throwing myself onto the lumpy bed.

"I mean Oslo hit you HARD" he says "he does know you weren't actually fighting just sparring right?" 

Ignoring Lark's comment I look around the room trying to find a new topic to talk about, one that doesn't involve my ex-boyfriend, my eyes land on Lark's backpack. It's green with gray dots and has a little photo of his girlfriend, Zura, pinned to it.

Him and Zura are disgustingly adorable, and I know he will take any chance he gets to talk about her.

"How's Zura doing?" 

His face lights up at the mention of her name and he starts to gush about how much he loves her.

Around thirty minutes later Senna comes in and sits herself next to me on the bed.

"Whatcha talking about?" She asks stealing the pillow out from under my head and using it for her own.

"Bitch give me that back" I take the pillow from her and hit her on the head with it.

Senna and I wrestle for the pillow for five minutes before I eventually win.

"Vale if you're going to ask me about my girlfriend to avoid talking about your depressing love life could you at least listen to me when I respond?" 

Someone who doesn't know Lark that well might think he's being an asshole when he says these things, but I've known him forever so I know he doesn't mean to be rude.

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