Chapter 2: The Tower

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'Look I know you think you know The Avengers' Fury spoke from the passengers seat, 'Everyone does, but they're quite different for starters there are people behind the masks and suits.' 

'Really?' I said in a sarcastic voice 'I would have a thought they were robots.' Fury replied, 'Yh, well with Stark you never know.' He didn't speak again for the rest of the ride, instead he sat with a smug look on his face clearly proud of his reply. 

So I looked out the window hoping to catch a glimpse of what was coming, but nothing would have prepared me for what was coming. Fury had the driver turn the windows black to block both the view in and out I guess that was for safety reasons but I don't really know. By the time, the windows had turned clear again, we were in a garden full of grass with a path (the one we were driving on) it spread for miles, as far as the eyes could see and right in the center was a tower about 150 feet tall the windows were glass but they looked stronger and more secure some of them were darkened like the windows in the car some were clear, i guessed you could change them, of course you could, this was The Tony Stark the windows were probably bulletproof too. 

Fury pulled up to the drive, as I realised what we, what I was was about to do my breathing started quickening, I could feel myself begin to hyperventilate, hands shaking, vision blurring I wasn't so sure I wanted to do this anymore, these people (if you could even call them that) saved the world, how could I ever compete with that, how could I ever fight or be as good as them? 

Fury sensed how I was feeling, probably hearing my breath quicken he turned to look at me. 'It's normal to be a little anxious' A little? A little!! he continued 'but you will get used to it, don't worry about them, you can stay in the car for now and come out when your ready.' I nodded unable to say anything else, 'They don't bite.' and with that he left the car. 

I gathered my thoughts singing my mothers lullaby, I know it's silly a grown woman with a lullaby but it helped, it helped calm me down, I practiced my breathing as it slowed to a normal pace, when I realised I couldn't wait any longer, I got out the car and headed towards the tower.

I walked in and straight headlong into someone, tripping over my own two feet I fell to the ground, babbling as I fell 'Sorry. Sorry, I'm so so sorry. I'm new here, I'm really sorry.' 

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