The Other Brother

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Thor didn't say any more on the topic and neither did I. I wasn't going to force him to speak to me, I didn't want to speak to him either. Arrogant, rude, disrespectful and downright confusing. 

Everyone was really welcoming, nobody judged me on the things I had done and Tony, Wanda and Steve have been helping me train to control my powers. It was before training one day I had gone on a jog, I enjoy doing so, it helps clear my head. I could feel eyes watching me over my shoulders, so I slowed down and went into a café, after sitting at a table I looked around for a while, my senses alert when I saw a pair of black eyes watching me, on the other side of the café, he caught my gaze and held it, I froze once I'd regained composure I spun back around, millions of thoughts spinning through my head, I shifted slightly in my chair glimpsing over my shoulder and he was gone so I looked back around realising he was right in front of me. I jumped in my seat. Instinctively I slapped him.  After regaining my composure, I took a sip of my coffee and a deep breath.  He looked at me, amused but also frustrated his long black hair sitting on his shoulders. 'So your the 'New Avenger'? The one my brother can't stop talking about?' he spoke in a low voice. I was confused but wasn't going to let my guard down. 'Who are you?' I whispered trying to sound confident 'How do you know about the avengers? And who is your brother?'

'You shall understand in due time.' Something about his accent stirred a faint memory in my mind, but I couldn't quite place what it was. Frustration built up inside me, 'Tell me what you want or leave! I have no interest in listening to you talk in riddles.' he looked at me and smirked 'Feisty.' I snapped, standing up I spun around heading out to leave when he grabbed my wrists and spoke in a barely audible whisper 'Make sure to tell your little friends, you had a visitor from Asgard.' 2 things snapped in my mind, the accent it was an asgardian accent exactly like Thor's. Thor, Thor. That's his brother. But if Thor's his brother, then that meant he was- I spun around, slapped him hard across the face, and walked out without another backwards glance. I still remembered when I heard about the attack on New York, unbelieving of such tarnation I'd went to see for myself and was horrified at the state of the city, that was when I'd sworn to protect Arizona from such harm and by further extent; the world. 

When I arrived back at the compound, I ran through the door and headed straight up to the room I was still sharing with Thor I stormed in only to stop dead in my track. There he stood. The person I wanted to talk to. With just a pair of shorts on. Instinctively, I looked down, waiting for him to burst but instead he cleared his throat, I looked up and froze.

My eyes met his light blue eyes, and everything froze, not just me but him as well as everything around us. Heart racing, mind blurring I wanted nothing but to be stuck like this forever, locked in a moment or utter peace and happiness. 

The door swung open and his gaze shifted, I heard Clint's voice, but my thoughts were far from what Clint was saying. I didn't understand, nothing made sense. Why was I able to have such a calming moment with a man who had hated me since the moment he'd first laid eyes on me. Why did he have such an affect on me. 'Y/n. Y/N!' Clint was shaking my shoulders, snapping back to reality, I looked up. 'Yh, yh. I'm here, what's wrong?' he looked me questioningly 'Your the one who stormed through the compound, I just came to check on you.' My thoughts clicked back into place and the real reason I wanted to talk to Thor in the first place came to mind 'Y-y-your brother.' I whispered unable to find my voice. Now it was their turn to freeze, they both looked at me. I looked back at Thor, wanting to say something but unable to find my voice. Only now did I become conscious of the sweat dripping down my face, the way my hands were shaking, Thor's face slowly slipping in and out of focus. A look of realisation, shifting to a look anger, then after catching sight of my face a look of worry. I felt the ground gave way beneath my feet, as I slipped forward. Then the feeling of strong, hard arms supporting me and a soft voice whispering 'Y/n? Y/n can you hear me? It's gonna be ok?' 

The darkness closed in behind me. All I could see was the shoulder length, jet-black hair. The bright pale skin, the wide cheeky smirk and his voice, 'Close your eyes. Allow the darkness to take control.' so I let go, I let the pain wash over me, instead of fighting back. Grateful when the numbness replaced the pain. Then there was nothing just the endless feeling of nothing. 

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