Meeting the team

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WHY IS HE HERE?!! He still hadn't turned to look at me so I turned away from him to face the rest of the people in the room, I mentally prepared myself naming the people I could and registering those I couldn't: Iron man aka Tony Stark; Captain America aka Steve Rogers; Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff; Bruce Banner aka The Hulk; one person I didn't recognise and him, the angry, rude long haired stranger in the corner watching the over the balcony. 

Without addressing me, the man I didn't recognise turned to Fury and he spoke in a low voice 'So are you gonna explain?' he nodded towards me, then turned back 'Or are you just gonna leave her here, to stand as a decoration?' Fury answered 'For your information, Barton, this is Y/N Y/L/N. She is the new avenger, and she will be LIVING here. NOT AS A DECORATION.' he spoke turning towards Barton.  Natasha spoke 'Great! It'll be good to have another girl around, me and Wanda have been getting really bored by ourselves.' I recognised Wanda, Wanda Maximoff from the news though I didn't know much about her myself. Natasha spoke again interrupting my thoughts 'I'm Natasha by the way, but you can call me Nat.' 

I spoke for the first time 'Hi Nat, I'm y/n.' 

'Well it's great to meet you y/n. Go on then introduce yourselves.' she said turning to the rest of them. 'I'm Steve Rogers but you'll probably know me as Captain America, it's good to meet you.'

'I'm Tony Stark, no need for applause, yes it is I The Tony Stark.' I stifled a laugh. 'I'm Bruce Banner, you might know me already, but it's ok if you don't. Not to sound rude or anything but for safety reasons I'll need to take some blood tests and a few other tests nothing serious though, if you don't mind?' not knowing what to really say I just answered 'Urm, Yh sure I don't mind just call me when you need to.' Then Clint turned to look at me 'I'm Clint Barton, you can call me either or, I'm Hawkeye.' I smiled at everyone to show I'd heard them and understood them, but my eyes drifted towards the man in the corner when realisation hit me if these people were The Avengers then that meant that the angry, rude but handsome looking stranger was- 'Thor, are you not going to introduce yourself?' without turning around he spoke 'I'm Thor, the God of Thunder.' His voice was deep and soft though it sounded agitated and upset.

'Is there anywhere I can put my stuff?' I asked trying to break the silence, clearly everyone had noticed Thor's ignorance and rude behaviour. 'Yes, Nat show y/n to her room please.' Nat stood up picking one of my 2 bags and turned to the elevator 'Your room's this way y/n, while Tony's decorating one of the guest rooms, you can stay in here.' she said as we arrive at a room on the 112th floor, we walked into the room, it had 2 beds each with a side table one bed seemed unused which was the one I assumed was mine so I put my bags on the empty bed and turned to survey the room. It was bright with a large bay window that led out onto a balcony the walls were a pale blue and there was an ensuite bathroom, that I decided to look at later on. Nat sat on the bed and we talked casually she was a warm kind person and I enjoyed talking to her, she emanated an aura of confidence and friendliness I knew I would get along with her. 'Wanda and Vision are coming tomorrow so you'll be able to meet them then. Lets see who else is there? Urm Sam and Bucky are coming the day after, so are Peter, Rhodey, Pepper and Morgan.'

*Authors Note: So I was thinking that for some of the parts of the story you might want to see Thor's point of view would you like me to include that too? Let me know in the comments.* 

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