My full story

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I woke in the morning, cradled in Thor's arms. Realising where I was, I slithered out of his hold, very slowly trying my hardest not to wake him. I showered, dressed, brushed my teeth, washed my face and prepared myself to meet the rest of the team. Then I went downstairs to have breakfast, greeted by Steve and Tony. 'Morning.' They both called as I grabbed a glass of water and sat at the table, 'Good morning.' Steve looked at me surveying my expression 'What? I know I'm gorgeous but please don't stare, it makes me uncomfortable.' Steve rolled his eyes playfully but smiled at my response 'So your gonna meet the rest of the team today.' I looked back at him, trying to figure out what he was getting at. 'Well yes, that's the plan.' They both watched me carefully then Steve spoke 'Well don't be nervous, everyone's got there faults, their own stories.'

 Then before I could answer somebody spoke in a posh English accent 'Sir, Miss Maximoff and Mr Vision are outside, should I let them in?' I looked around trying to figure out where the voice was coming from when Tony answered 'Yh J.A.R.V.I.S let them in please.' J.A.R.V.I.S answered 'Right away sir.' I looked back and forth from Tony to Steve questioningly and they both laughed at my clear lack of knowledge, finally after what seemed like forever Tony answered my unspoken question 'J.A.R.V.I.S is an AI y/n he's not a real person but he's based of my dad's butler Edwin Jarvis.' i just nodded not wanting to get into the science of artificial intelligence. Luckily I was saved from that conversation when the elevator door's opened and a woman (who I guessed was Wanda) along with a reddy, purpley robot thing (who I guessed was Vision) walked in.

'Hey guys.' Wanda called in a cheery voice, after hugging Steve and Tony, she noticed me and introduced herself 'Hey I'm Wanda Maximoff and this is Vision, it's nice to meet you.' Vision answered from behind 'It's a pleasure to meet you.' speaking carefully trying not to embarrass myself I replied 'I'm y/n y/l/n. It's great to meet you too.' We sat and talked while everyone else arrived, they were all kind and funny welcoming me easily and quite quickly it felt like I had always been there. Then once everyone had arrived, we all went into the conference room. I hung back, taking deep breaths and telling myself it was ok, I hummed my lullaby and slowed my breathing until eventually I was ready to enter I walked in, smiled as much as I could then addressed everyone. 

*Torture and violence*

'So you all wanted to know my story and I am here to tell you so, but please don't judge me because there is a reason I am on none of your systems Tony and why you've never heard of me in a S.H.I.E.L.D database Clint. I was born in England and I don't remember much about my parents. But they died when I was 3 in a car accident.' then everything just started to floe naturally like I was releasing a weight off my chest, relieving myself of a burden. 'So I was sent to my aunties and uncles but they didn't want me because of my powers they all thought of me as a "freak". I was only a child I couldn't control what my powers could do, they would call me all sorts "witch, freak, abnormal" they wouldn't allow me to leave the house, they locked me in the basement and starved me. They thought that they could starve my powers out of me. But eventually it got to much for me I couldn't take it, couldn't control it I'd had enough of the constant insults, the beatings from my cousins, so I let go, I sent a burst of energy across the house. I-I-I k-k-killed them. ' Silent tears trickled down my face. I stopped trying to compose myself, I had never told this story to anyone. After a few deep breathes and wiping my tears away, I continued. 'I was taken by an institution, an orphanage called "The Sisters of Quiet Mercy" they believed the same principles as my aunties and uncles, that I was a mistake made by god that needed to be rectified.' Letting the tears fall silently unable to control them any longer I continued 'So they would torture me, beating me, whipping me, burning me, starving me all the time saying they were killing the mistake inside of me.' 

Thor looked up at me, realisation in his eyes.

I raised my top slightly and turned around revealing the slashes across my back, I then showed them the gashes across my arms made by The Sisters of Quiet Mercy. 'And then when my powers wouldn't stop they talked of getting rid of me for good  I was scared I didn't know what that meant. So one night I let everyone out of the Orphanage, then set it on fire. Then I ran. I changed my name used aliases, they're still looking for me the owners of the orphanage. Scared. I think they're worried I would ruin their reputation. So I settled down in Arizona protecting the city with my powers, finally putting my powers to good use.'

'y/n.' I looked up, it was Bucky sat in the corner of the room 'I'm so sorry.' and without saying another word he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. I rested my face on his shoulder, it felt nice to be comforted, nobody knew this side of me but I wasn't as worried as I thought I would be about letting guard down. It was like Steve said: 'everyone here's got their own stories.'

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