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one week later

"Mom I can take care of myself", y/n kept repeating. 

"I- okay I love you. Be safe", she said. "Okay mom love you too", I replied.

I was moving into my new apartment. I currently worked as a barista at a local coffee shop. I may babysit from time to time for some spare cash but besides that I make fair amount and I'm going to be living by myself. 

There's so many things I want to do now that I'm by myself. Firstly, I wanna learn how to play guitar. Down the street from where I live is NeoMusic. They offer lessons over a lot of things but I was just going for guitar lessons as a starter.

I'm starting those next week.

I forgot my instructors name though. I think it was Matt or Mark. 

I need to go shopping for my apartment. I already had a lot of necessities from the dorm I lived in from when I was in college. I had the basics for everything. 

My room had a queen sized bed. I need to get new comforters and sheets for it. I had some throw pillows and some plushies my friends over the years had given me.

I had my desk that I set up earlier. It had like a mini shelf on there for my favorite artist's EXO and SHINee albums. I still had their fanlights from my younger days. I had my computer set up. 

I had a decent sized walk-in closet. Kinda big to be honest. I had one side dedicated to the warm weather clothing. The other side dedicated to the cold weather clothing. Back in my dorm at the university I had a shelf for my shoes. I set up the shelf in the middle so it would be easier to access. 

For my living room. My parents gave me their couch which the landlord helped bring up. I need to buy a TV and some blankets. 

I made a mental checklist of what I needed and made my way to my car. 

I drove to the nearest store. After a couple stops I got everything I needed. I bought some groceries for the week. I bought some picture frames. I bought some cute artwork. I bought some cute blankets. I bought a TV. I bought a pretty [favorite soft color] comforter, and the sheets were on sale for buy one get one. So I got two packs of sheets: one flower printed and the other a plain light grey. 

I drove home and took everything to my apartment.

I put the food in the fridge and the snacks in the pantry.

I set up the TV in the living room on the stand that my friend Olivia gave me. 

The stand had some space to put whatever you desire there. So I put some pictures up.

One was my childhood friends Olivia and Victoria. The other was me and my study group from the university. Then there was one of me and my parents.

I folded the blankets and styles them on the couch. I bough some decorative pillows to put on the couches. It looked so cute. 

I went to my room and fixed my bed. I put the new sheets on and the comforter. Then I set up my plushies. I had some artwork that I had bought from the store. I put up a tapestry that I had at my dorm. I forgot about the lights. I started putting up my led lights. After, I started putting some pictures up. Mostly on my desk. By my album shelf dedication there was a picture of EXO together and one of 5HINee. I put up my photo wall that I made on a piece of wood. Very aesthetic. It had all aesthetic pictures I've taken from high school to now.

I lastly put up the photos of me and my friends from around the world. My parents moved around a lot. I mean literally a lot. A lot of mission work. I've been almost everywhere. Thailand was one of my favorite places. I was a teenager at the time and I met a guy named Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul but everyone called him Ten. 

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