It's Always The Hot Ones...

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Another day as a SHIELD recruit, not that I had much of a choice anyway. 

See, I was at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the 'Cool House for Mutants' my friends and I call it, but Fury wanted my 'talents'. Now I'm here.

Bored out of my mind.


To top that with a load of My Life Is Complicated, I live with Stark. Yes, as in Tony pain-in-my-ass Stark. He makes sure since I'm a mutant teenager, I don't mess up his life's work.

Don't get me wrong, Stark's a good guy. He really is. It's just sometimes I just want to just take my foot and just SHOVE IT UP HIS-

ANYWAY... I was told by my dear uncle Fury to watch science happen today. So, I'm watching these scientists run around like lab rats and mess with this thing called the tesseract. Sounds ominous, I know, but it's just this blue, glowing, dormant energy cube.

I've been here for over an hour and I'm narrating my life I'm so bored.

I escape into my brain, which is a frightening place, I've been told.

The cube starts to spark, and I snap back to reality. Everything goes haywire; papers and small equipment take flight. The tesseract shoots out a beam of light and makes a portal of some sort. It explodes, and in its place is a figure of a man. He has a spear/staff/scepter thing in his hand and doesn't look all there.

Of course, my uncle has to do something, so he yells, "Sir, please put down the spear" to the mysterious figure.  

Are you kidding me?

The man looks at his staff, then he blasts people with blue beams coming from it. He then throws knives, killing agent after agent. I scramble to hide behind something that fell and watch.

The fuuuuu-?! 

A guy falls on a piece of metal, which hits me hard in the head. I see spots in my vision and can barely hear anything else that's going on. I finally hear Fury through the buzzing in my head.

"We have no quarrel with your people." 

Mr. Mystery just glares at him. "An ant has no quarrel with a boot." 

With a voice like that, I wonder what his face looks like... No. No, he's a bad guy. He killed my comrades. 

Fury raises his voice a little. "You planning to step on us?"

The man finally smiles and looks around the room. "I come with glad tidings of a world made free." 

And you do this by killing people? 

Apparently, Fury was thinking the same because he says, "Free from what?" 

He smirks. "Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that in your heart, you will know peace." He puts the tip of his scepter on Selvig's chest.  

"Yeah, you say peace. I kinda think you need help." Then Barton steps in. 

"Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow. He means to bury us." 

What the hell? I thought he was on our side?

Fury smirks.

"Like the Pharaohs of old." 

Selvig then approaches the unidentified person. "He's right. The portal's collapsing in on itself. We got maybe two minutes before this goes critical." 

The man looks at Barton and just says, "Well then." Barton shoots Fury and I let out an involuntary squeak. 

Please don't hear me, please don't hear me, please don't hear me, please don't hear me, please don't hear me, please-

  "Come out, little mouse. I know where you're hiding."  

He hears me.

And I also know you'll probably kill me either way. 

So I step out. The man with the weird-looking staff walks up to me. "What a useless looking girl." 


"Well, aren't you kind," I mumble the word jerk under my breath. He feigns a look of surprise. "And a back talker as well."

I can't believe this guy.

"I'm only back talking as you call it is because you pretty much instigated my behavior." 

He starts to look interested in something. "You're. . . . different. I shall spare you." He brings the scepter to my chest. 

Excuse you, sir! 

"What the hell are you doing?!"

He looks confused and does it again. I finally get it. "If that's a mind control thingy, then it's not going to work," I tap my temple. "Fire walls. Learned from the best." He recovers from his confusion as if it didn't faze him. 

"Well. You, girl, shall still accompany me. Your . . . . talents could be of use to our cause."


"What do you me-" Someone knocks me out from behind. 

Aw da-

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