Should I Stay, or Should I Join the World Ending Army

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"Might I say you look beautiful, love. Did one wear her corset tighter? Hm, you do look rather ravishing." 

I give him my best death glare for putting me in a red dress that shows curves I didn't know I had. "I don't understand why I have to wear a dress. And don't call me love." I dare not answer his perverted sounding question. 

He is right, though. This corset is tight as hell.

He chuckles. "I need you to use lure a man to me. You do have your," he looks me up and down, "body language at your disposal." 

Did he really think I was going to kill all these cute German boys? 

And did he just look me up and down?!

I say, "Not going to hurt anyone." In a singsong voice. 

He pushes me out of the doorway. "Then stay out of my way."

That is IT!

"I don't care how attractive you are! I can't wait to set fire to the rain someone's going to bring down on that Take Over the World parade of yours!" I exit before he can say anything to me because I wasn't feeling his attitude. 

The realization of what I'd just done washed over me as I reach the staircase.

I just called him attractive.

Now he knows I think he's hot.

I gather myself before descending the stairs.

Too late now. If he knows, he knows. I won't ever see him again after this.

There was this guy playing the piano and I go over to listen and end up playing air piano. He stops and asks do I play, and I say "A little" in probably the worst German ever. As we start a conversation, I see Loki descend from the stairs, and he looks handsome. 

I mean he looks really handsome.

His hair is long, black, to his shoulders, and flips up a little at the ends.

Wow. You really can't see anything with that reindeer helmet he always wears.

He makes it to the bottom of the staircase, grabs one of the party members, and throws him onto a large platform in the center of the room. He then holds the man onto the platform and stabs him with a small device.

Oh, shit! 

"Everyone, get out! Now!"

I get knocked around as people run for their lives and let me tell you that was the worst case of not liking people I ever had. He smiled when he was finished and changed from the suit he was wearing, into his regular suit of armor, complete with a long green cape. 

I, on the other hand, am left to recover from the people stampede. 

After, I run out to see what that idiot could have done now. Everyone from the party was kneeling to Loki. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" 

Loki looks up. "They are simply bowing to me, their true and rightful ruler. They could bow to us, love. You could be my queen, and I your king." 

I start to fidget, feeling more uncomfortable than I already did in a dress. 

"I-I... you... Shut up. And don't call me love."

Where's Tony when you need him?


My iron angel comes to the rescue with Natasha close behind in a SHIELD plane. 

Oh, thank god! Tony, I love you! Please save me!

He and Captain America attack Loki, and he stands down...a little too quickly.

Before I step onto the plane, Tony stops me in my tracks.

"So, how was the date?"


"He offer you anything? Chocolates? Flowers? World domination?"

...I'm done with today...

I push past him and get on the plane.

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