We've Been Thunderstruck

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Loki stares at me to get my attention. "What?"

It's like he knows I can't stand it when people do that.

"Are you going to accept my offer, Rose?"

I didn't know whether to punch him, or scream, or say yes in a bunch of different languages right now.   

What do I say? 

Uh, yes Mr. Hot Guy, I will join the world ending army that you're in charge of, so we can rule the world together as king and queen, and shove everyone else under our boot and watch and laugh maniacally as they squirm and STRUGGLE AND LISTEN TO THE MEWLING AS THEY CRY FOR HELP BUT NO ONE WILL COME BECAUSE IT'LL BE JUST US-

I stop myself before I get out of hand and blow an engine by accident.


Steve turns to face him. " She's not going to be accepting any offers." 

Oh, thank you, Steven, you're my hero.

Then there was a crack of thunder, and Loki looks up. Steve raises his eyebrow. 

"What's the matter, afraid of a little thunder?" 

Loki looks at him sullenly. "Not overly fond of what follows."

What's got him all shaken up? 

Then a mystery figure rips him from the plane. 



The plane shakes violently, and my head goes against the side. I'm temporarily out of the conversation. 

I see Tony go through my daze. 

Then Steve goes after them.

Then I fade into darkness.


"Look at that. Finally awake. I didn't think you hit your head that hard, Rosie."

I slowly open my eyes and stare at her. "Shut up, Nat. Can't a girl die in peace?" She chuckles and pats my arm. 

"Do you know how angry Fury would be with me if I let you die now? Especially Stark. I can hear him now. 'You let her die! She was going to die an old lady, warm in her bed! Not here, not this night, not like this! Do you understand me?'." 

"Shh. Stop shouting, Tasha." I close my eyes and sigh deeply. "That's a movie quote isn't it?" She just pats my arm and walks away. "I knew it." 

I open them again and take in my surroundings.

Bed. Not a plane.

I look beside the bed and there are strawberry pop tarts sitting in a chair with an aspirin and a glass of water. 

Thanks, you guys. 

I sit up to grab them and noticed that I'm not wearing the dress Loki put on me. I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

Aw. I'm gonna miss that dress. Not that much, though. Just a little.

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