Where Are My Ruby Slippers?

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"Ow." I wake up to semi-darkness and feel my way around with my powers as best I can.

A warehouse? It's cold, dark, and a little damp. As soon as I attempt to move, Clint notches an arrow. 

"Whoa, Hot Shot!"

He doesn't move an inch. "Make one false move and you die." 

The mystery man holds up his hand. "It's quite alright. She won't be going anywhere because she doesn't know where she is."

This cocky bitch.

"You, sir, are a complete and total bastard." 

He chuckles. "My, aren't we a charming one."

If I have to hear one more remark from that velvet- Annoyingly! I said velvet voice. I meant annoyingly chocolatey-! Geez, my head!

My eyes flash from their orange cognac color to the color of pure hazel then back to orange from frustration. "What," I sigh, "What's your name. Simply want to know my captor's name." 

He puffs out his chest a little, boosting his ego as he says his name. 

You can almost see the muscle... Dammit!

"Loki, son of Laufey." That name sounds familiar, but my brain still hurts. 

"Well Loki, my friends will find me and you shall go to prison." 

Yeah, I don't sound cliche at all.  Don't mind me, just a damsel in distress is all.

"It's Rose, by the way. Not that you care." 

His eyes turn from playful and boastful to cold and cruel. "No Midgardian prison can hold a god!" 

Looking into his icy glare cleared my mind enough to remember information on Norse mythology. "Midgard? Midgard! Asgard! You- you're from Asgard! You have a brother, don't you?" I smirk.

 Bring it, Asgardian jerk! You fear your brother, don't you?

Then I remember where I am.

And who I'm talking to.

Oh yeah. This guy could probably kill me in one strike.

Loki narrows his eyes. "How do you know this?" 

I start to feel uneasy, and the floor suddenly seemed more interesting. 

"I-I study... It-it's interesting r-reading. I, uh, like it." 

Stop talking, dammit!  

"Y-you look like a reader... M-maybe? Do you- Do you read?" 

If he weren't so hot I could stop talking...

His eyes turn cold again and he hisses, "I am to be thought of as a deity, a higher being, not a friend or acquaintance! I am something greater than you'll ever be: a GOD!" 

Why are the attractive ones always assholes!  

I give him the same look and tone of voice. "Well, let me know when 'god' is done so I can go home. I'm hungry," I curl up on the floor, avoiding his gaze. He mumbles something like mewling quim.

Oh my god, he's so fucking annoying!

"What was that?" 

His eyes turn playful again. "Merely thinking aloud." I turn away, agitated 

"Better be nothing... Princess." 

I can tell he's studying me from behind.

I want to go home.

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