It's (not) the Best Day Ever

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"I'm only asking because you were with him longer, so I need to see if he'll talk to you before I send Natasha in."

I sit in disbelief. 

"So," I take my glasses off, "you want me to go in there and interrogate that asshole. After he had me compromised for gods know how long. He could still have me compromised, Fury, ever think about that?"

He sighs and massages his eye. "Look," he puts his hand down and looks at me, "I know how you feel about him, that's how we all feel, but you could bring us one step closer to what he's planning. So you are going in there to investigate him in private whether you like it or not."

I stare at him.

"...Fine." I get up and start to walk out of the room.

He sighs in relief.

"But next time," I stop at the doorway, "When you say private, that's kind of how I think it's going to be. Private." 

I walk out, and I try to clear my head before I enter into noman's land.


"Why are you here?" Loki hisses. 

I sit about a foot away from the glass. "Well, I was told to interrogate you, Princess, but I'm almost finished with this book, and I do intend to finish it." 

Loki narrows his eyes. "Why must you talk like that?" 

Like what? 

"Why must you talk like THAT? And what is that supposed to mean?"

Stupid Asgard and their proper speak and handsome hotness.

I just said handsome hotness.

He shrugs. "You seem to talk with more intellect than most mortals I have encountered."

Aww! Wait, what?

"Thanks... I think." I try to read my book, but I can feel his eyes on me. 

"Well, I was told to interrogate you," I close my book, "so I shall. Let's start with easy questions, like, what's your favorite color?" 

He gives me that smirk of his with cruel eyes and says, "The blood of those who stand in my way." My left eye twitches. 

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Phew. Good one! That was- that was great." 

I pull out my tablet and talk to myself while I pretend to type. "Says 'blood of enemies. Translation: doesn't have one." I look back up to Loki, who has an unreadable expression. "Okay, um, oh yeah! Back to my first question." 

He scoffs. "That was your first question. I don't have time for your silly games." 

I sigh heavily to keep my cool. "Nor do I have time for yours, pretty boy. I know you could've broken out already if it weren't for whatever you're planning with your world domination. Now, as I was saying, do you read?" 

His face has a flash of reminiscence, then his mask goes back on, and he sighs. 

"Yes. Especially expressions. Like your expression. You, Rose, are dying, like everyone else in this wretched place, to know what is going to happen, what I'm going to do next. If you release me, you and I will be the only ones with the information. You could join my army. Release me, and all the naysayers could suffer at the hands of a GOD... and his queen. You can be mine, love." He says the last sentence like a whisper as if I was the only audience that mattered in that one sentence. 

He smirks and his eyes show a hint of affection, then become unreadable again. My eyes flash like fire from the frustration of not knowing what to do. 

Agent Coulson comes to save the day, paperwork in hand. "You-You're needed." He stammers a little because of his small fear of Loki. 

"Scrugenjeger," I mumble under my breath. My hand goes up in frustration as I walk out, and accidentally cause Coulson's papers to spontaneously combust. 

"I'm going somewhere else."

This day is just fan-freaking-tastic.


I stop Coulson in the hallway. "The main room?"

"It was the only thing I could think of saying to get you out of there. You should be thanking me, Rose." I was about to thank him when Natasha comes from around the corner and lightly punches my shoulder. Ouch...

"Thanks for warming him up for me, squirt. I know that was hard. Don't sweat it."

I nod and rub my shoulder. Her punches hurt.

"Don't sweat too much either." She points to my cheeks. "They were red the whole time. Be careful. Don't get compromised, Rose."

She walks past me into the room with Loki. I walk to the now empty table, patting my cheeks.

A table now empty because of me.

I sit and lay my face on the cold wooden table.

Go ahead and leave, assholes. I'm used to being alone. You'll all soon be dead anyway.

My head jolts up. Where the hell did that come from? Why is it happening again?

My mind gets so lost in thought that I don't notice Fury walk up.

He clear his throat to get my attention. I turn my body to face him hoping he wasn't aware of what happened.

"You need to go. I can't have you blowing up the helicarrier."

"I'm fine, Director."

"That's an order."

"I'm fine, sir. I promise you, I won't be a burden."

He looks me over and sighs. "Come here. I want to show you something." He walks towards one of the exits and tosses me a backpack after putting one on. "You'll need this."

"Yes, sir." I don't question him, I trust him, and I put it on and follow him outside to the edge of the helicarrier.

"Do you see this, Agent Rose? All of this is what we protect. We protect from the people what they cannot protect themselves from, above and below. But you can't do anything up here. Do you understand?"

Now I start questioning him.

"I don't understand? Why-?"

"You will."

Before I can say anything, he pushes me off the side, into the open air.

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