chapter 3

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The next day I was woken up by a knock on the door

"Y/N , breakfast is on the table, do you want to join us?" Haz asks , seems like he came back from his girlfriend

I looked around to wake up and there was food all over my bed, my mouth still full of chocolate from yesterday and my pillow full of grease stains from the chips

"Yes, right away, I'm going to take a quick shower first"

I got up and quickly cleared the food from my bed because harrison would not like it if he saw my room like this, even though it was not his, he likes it neat and tidy.

I quickly jumped under the shower but not so long this time so that it wouldn't be noticeable that I was taking so long.

When I came out of my room tom and haz were already sitting on the sofa playing mario kart

I took a croissant and sat down at the table and started to eat

When I had just finished and wanted to go back to my room harrison screamed because he lost

"Noo wayyy dudee" he yelled and threw the controller on the couch

"Sorry mate , there can only be one winner" Tom laughed meanly

Oh I want to smack him so badly, I would win easily

Just as you stand up harrison looks at you

"Oh Y/N do you want to play with us?" Haz asks

"No thanks I am not in the mood to play such a stupid game" I answer harsh

" come on just one round " Haz says and hands you a controller

"Come on dude she would lose anyway"
Tom whispers but so you can hear, and nudges harrison's arm

Before he can say another word you say something

"Ok I'm in "
You take the controller and sit on the couch , harrison sits on the floor and tom sits to your left

You play four rounds, you have already played three and so far everyone has won once, now it comes to the decisive round

The race starts, at the beginning haz leads but he had quite a bit of bad luck and is now last, you are at the second place and tom at the first place right now but the race isn't finished yet

Your hands start to sweat and you have to win

"Come on drive faster"

You scream at the TV and concentrate one last time

In the last second you catch up with tom and thus win the race

"Shittt" he yells and throws the controller on the couch, then he puts his hands at his head

" Sorry mate , there can only be one winner"

You repeat the sentence tom just said to harrison and give tom an arrogant look

To be honest you have the slight feeling that tom let you win but you don't care right now

"Okay okay I get it you won and I lost, who cares?" Tom says annoyed

"You are just a loser Tom" you say arrogantly

"Guys stop fighting" haz says

"We should go to the park later, are you coming with me?" Haz asks the two of you

You look at Tom

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