chapter 9

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Sunday came quickly, and so did the date with Derrek. After you sneaked out by saying you were going to meet your friend monica, who doesn't even exist, you were already out. He picked you up at 7 pm as planned and you went out for dinner, you talked a lot and also about the fact that you will be working at your brother's company on monday, but you didn't talk much about tom. Why should you? After dinner you went to the fair, which was beautifully lit up in the evening. The Ferris wheel had colourful little light bulbs everywhere, there were little booths with games like throwing cans and other things where you could win prizes like teddy bears - it was the perfect date, wasn't it? However, one thing was missing. The connection between you and Derek, I mean you got along fine, no question but there wasn't the feeling... the feeling of butterflies or the need to kiss him.
When he brought you back around half past ten, he accompanied you to your apartment and stopped in front of it.
You rummage your flat key out of your handbag while he starts talking.
"I really enjoyed the day today, maybe we could do this again..." He looks at your hand rummaging around in your pocket until you find your key, then you look up at him and don't really know what to say.
"I mean, I also enjoyed it very much..."
You shrug your shoulders and squeeze the key in your sweaty hand
"So... do we want to do this again?" He comes a step closer
"Y-yeah" You answer simply but stuttering as he comes a little closer, you don't know if you should give him a final hug or just go in but the question is quickly settled as he puts a hand on your cheek and kisses you... and it was...................................Disgusting !!!!
his lips are very slobbery and not exactly enjoyable, the kiss was wet but not very good, the question is why he kisses you after the first date, probably because you've known him longer and why wait longer, right?
You didn't really kiss him back, it was more like your lips were trying to find the right position for the good kiss but there just wasn't one, and it didn't feel right either.
Just as you are about to break the kiss in disgust, the front door opens and tom is standing right in the doorway with a straight gaze in derreks eyes.
"What the hell Y/N , you said you were out with your friend monica and then you show up at 10:45 with this (He bodychecks derrek and looks back into your face with pure anger) son of a bitch??!!!"
"Dude I-" Derrek tries to explain but before he can say anything tom interrupts him
"I don't care ! Just stay away from Y/N!"
Tom grabs your arm, pulls you into the flat and closes the door behind you.
As soon as you are in, you knock his hand off your arm and push him back a bit.
"Tom what is your fucking problem !!!" You practically scream at him and wave your hands in the air in rage.
"What is my problem? You say you're going to a friend's house and then go on some date with a guy I don't even know!!!" He yells back at you so loudly that harrison comes out of his room even though he already slept
"You're not my boss thomas, You can't tell me what to do!!!"
"Maybe not today, but certainly tomorr-" As he shouts in your face harrison interrupts you from his door frame
"What's going on here?!" He looks between the two of you
"God, your stupid friend thinks he can control me !!!" You groan and walk past the two of them into your room.
"Y/N was on a date although she said she was with a friend !" You hear tom say to harrison, but you are no longer interested, you have already slammed the door and thrown yourself on the bed.
You take your cold but soft pillow in your hand and groan into it while you take off your shoes with your feet and throw them to the side of your room.
You hear tom and harrison discussing and only a short time later it's quiet until you hear a knock on the door.
"Can I come in?" harrison's voice asks
"Yeah sure..." The door opens and Harrison comes in, he looks at you briefly and then sits down next to you on the bed.
"Are you going to yell at me too for going on a date now too?" You sit up and roll your eyes to the side
"No, of course not, and tom only did it because he cares for you and looks after you..."
"Tshhh sure" You shake your head a little and laugh at harrison's answer, as if tom cares for you, when you were little it was okay but now you are grown up and can take care of yourself very well.
"Really, he does, he just shows it a little differently... why else would he stay up so late just waiting for you to come home?" Haz looks at you and suddenly you listen again, he is right why should he wait so long just for you to come home, I mean it is not exactly late but he could also be playing video games or talking to his girlfriend on the phone.
"Do you believe me?" he asks and you nod slowly
"Yeah..." you look down at your blanket,
You just want to snuggle under the covers and sleep.
"And about the guy, you are old enough to decide who you go on a date with or not, as long as it's not tom but you hate each other anyway so I don't have to worry about that" He laughs and you laugh with him awkwardly, you just want the conversation to be over and go to sleep, because when he won't get out in the next 5 minutes you can't help yourself but fall asleep...

It's the next morning, your alarm goes off at 6am so you don't oversleep, you get up, grab your clothes and go to the bathroom where you take a shower. After 30 minutes, you get out, wrap a towel around your body and start brushing your teeth. You blow dry your hair with the hair dryer hanging to the right of your large bathroom mirror, get dressed and put on make-up.
Before you leave your room to have breakfast, you look at yourself again in the mirror. Your hair is perfectly in place and shiny. Your outfit is not too dressed up, but rather sweet and innocent, and your little circles under your eyes are also well removed with make-up.
You go into the kitchen, grab a bowl of cornflakes and milk and sit down at the table where you scroll through instagram for a while before you have to leave with tom and harrison.
You have a strange feeling in your stomach, probably only because you are excited for your first day, besides, what happens if you get tom as your boss? You would even prefer this Markus than Tom, because let's be honest... having Tom as your boss, who is allowed to command you around for 8 to 12 hours a day and you also have to do it? no thanks you can do without that.
It doesn't take long, only 10 minutes later when tom and harrsion also come out of their rooms, harrison in a light blue shirt while tom wears only a black t-shirt and jeans, his t-shirt is a bit tight so you can see his muscles verryyy well....
"We leave in 5 minutes, are you ready Y/N?" Haz asks you in an excited voice, probably more excited than you that you are going to start working with him. Harrison is really the sweetest, he is always happy for you and also with you, no matter what and that is one of the reasons why you love him, he is always there for you and you can always talk to him.
"Yes, I just have to put on my shoes" you answer. You put your bowl in the sink and go over to the door where your shoes are.
"Oh guys, forgot my phone. I'll be right back" Haz says and goes back to his room.
You put on one shoe but as you reach for the other one, tom kicks it provocatively under the cupboard to your right.
You look up into his devilish brown eyes and the wicked grin on his lips as you kneel with one knee on the floor.
"Oupsss" He makes a pout and pretends to be sorry.
You try not to get angry and ignore him, you take your shoe from under the cupboard and put it on just as Harrison comes back.
"Okay, I have everything, let's go"
Haz says and you go downstairs with him while tom strolls behind you, when you get to the car, harrison gets into the driver's seat, you open the door to the passenger seat but before you can get in, tom practically jumps in and sits on the seat.
"Sorry , already taken" he smirks but harrison doesn't seem to notice, he fastens his seatbelt and starts the engine while you slam Tom's door and get in the back.
All the way through the ride, the boys sing one-direction songs, which loosens you up a bit.

I won't do any more chapter names in the future because i think they always spoil a bit•

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