Chapter 26

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~your pov~
"Hey" I greet Derrek with a smile on my lips as I sit down at the café table opposite him. As announced, I am punctually 17 minutes late because I only left at 3 o'clock.
"Hey, I'm glad you came. Thought you wouldn't come after I haven't called in so long but before you say anything" he says and holds his index finger up in front of my mouth as a sign that I shouldn't say anything now "I'm incredibly sorry, I have a good reason... for everything" I look at him blankly. I'm not as mad as he thinks. After all, I knew that what was between us could never have become something. Derrek just wasn't it. I nod my head for him to continue, which he then also does. "After I left your apartment, I met a girl, her name is Neomie, she's only a year younger than me, but we clicked right away. I spent the next few days with her, and she is just...." he looks at me with that dreamy look that just begs for me to read his thoughts as he is lost in his own "just please don't be mad at me but-" I quickly interrupted him.
"Derrek, it's all right. I understand that. We had one date and it was nice but we are both better off staying friends" he looks at me in relief.
"Thanks god! And as I said, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. Friends?" he asks
"friends" I say
"I definitely owe you one, Y/N!" I laughed. How did Derrek go from a party guy who always took drugs and fucked up so many times to such a lovingly relationship guy? it's strange how people can change. We talked for another 2 hours, he even showed me a picture of the woman he met. She is pretty, a little thicker hips but looks very loving. Her eyes looked green and she had a dog on her leash, I guess from her. At half past five I was already back home and since Tom and Harrison are still working until seven, I now have some time to myself. I threw myself straight onto the couch, relief washed over me. Derrek and I are just friends and it will stay that way. I'm just glad he said it first so I didn't have to. Now I just have to sort things out with Tom, and I really don't know where to start there. I think we're both just really confused lately. Shortly before 7pm, my phone vibrated on the living room table, so I reached for it and looked to see who had sent me a text message.

we are leaving now, so we'll be there soon. Mexican or Vietnamese food?
he asks. After everything with derrek, I forgot to eat, so Mexican food really shouldn't be that bad now.

Okay. Mexican please!
I put my phone aside again, looking up at the ceiling. I was tired. Really tired, actually. But hungry at the same time, and man, when I'm hungry I can't sleep. And people who can do that... well, there has to be something wrong with them. So to wake me up a bit, I decided to get up and set the table. It wasn't long later when the 2 boys came home with the food bags and took their places at the table. It wasn't particularly awkward or quiet since my brother always manages to drown out moments like this with his huge babble, so of course it was the case now. While he told us his exciting story of how he managed to build a paper plane that flew over 100 metres, tom and I kept glancing at each other. I can't really say what kind of looks tho, his were mostly annoyed or angry ones and also right now his black eyes are looking up into mine while he is pushing a fork of his food into his mouth. I in turn swallow, but still continue to look at him.
"and then, I swear to god, the paper plane flew over mrs.manchaster's fence and straight through her open window into the kitchen. And then jimmy was like 'woah that was awesome' and i'm just looking at him and then" He stops talking for a moment, looks over at Tom who is now looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "wait, do you even remember jimmy, tom? the kid from our football team where we used to be?" Haz asks
Oh and how I still remember jimmy. When the story happened, Harrison and Tom were about 15, and I, who was only 2 years younger, was going through puberty, which meant I was growing to a woman. Well, anyway, Jimmy was the biggest heartthrob of them all. He could play football the best, was totally popular and with his perfect brown hair and matching brown eyes with a stitch of green, he could get any girl. The only reason he came to us was because of me, he had a crush on me and it was hard to miss except for Harrison. Tom on the other hand hated him. Whenever Jimmy was around, Tom stayed at home, and when Jimmy was around as well as Tom, it usually ended with Tom on top of Jimmy, beating him up.
"Yeah... Yeah I can still remember him a little bit" his answer did not look so satisfactory judging from the expression on his face. Seems like his mind is still on Jimmy and what happened back then. Guess Tom was just jealous of Jimmy at the time for being better at football, but what can I say. Tom was never the best at football at all...
If i'm honest, I don't really remember what stopped me from liking jimmy back... but I'm sure there was a reason....... anyway, it doesn't matter anymore.
"oh okay, where did I stop? oh right, after jimmy said that I looked at him as like said and then covered my mouth with my hand in shock that I just did that and you don't wanna know what happened then..." I didn't listen to Harrison's story anymore, because it's not the first time my brother has told us the story. And by now Tom doesn't look like he's listening either. His eyes, however, pierce me again with the most diverse looks.
After dinner, I carry my plate into the kitchen, but then go to my room to find some clothes to wear after the shower. It's not that I'm particularly sweaty from the day, after all it's not hot outside and I haven't done much either, but I still like to shower in the evening. I undress and let the hot stream of water run slowly. But before I take a step into the shower, I realise that I have forgotten a fresh pair of panties, so I wrap my towel around my upper body again to get a pair of panties.
"I'm going to sleep, night mate" I can still hear harrison's voice saying through the corridor to tom. So when I had my panties I didn't waste a second and jumped straight into the hot shower that was waiting for me. Just as I reach for the shampoo bottle, I hear a door opening, my door...
"Hello?" I call out. No answer.
"Who is there?" Music starts playing. Loud music. Not bad music tho. Exactly my taste.
"Harrison is that you?" I try again, but I can't see anything through my shower curtain and the closed bathroom door. Because the music was a little too loud, I didn't even hear my bathroom door open. I tried to reach the bottle of shampoo but at that moment the shower curtain opens, revealing a naked Tom standing in front of me. I can't help a little scream escaping my mouth, he just scared the fuck out of me.
"Be quiet before Harrison comes !" He steps into the shower, lets himself in, but then closes the curtain again.
"Tom what are you doing here?! I thought you were mad at me !" I ask, covering my lady parts with my arms and hands.
"I am, I have to take my anger out on someone, that's why I'm here." I look at him frightened as his eyes travel up and down my arm covered body. "are you seriously hiding your body from me right now?" His words make me look down, but yes I do, and rightly so. He can't just have me whenever he wants me !
"Yeah !" The steam from the hot water begins to rise, but it is not thick enough to make Tom's wide smirk disappear. The drops on his chest slowly run down his stomach muscles. Makes my knees go weak. When he notices me checking him out too, it's his cue to step closer. He takes both of my wrists in his hands and pins them above my head ot the wall that is directly behind me. The cold tiles of the wall send shivers down my spine, as does Tom's boner on my belly, which gets bigger by the second.
"I'm giving you the chance to stop all this, just say 'stop please' and I'll stop, go out and to my room if you want that" he says, his hot breath hitting my face as the drops run down his back.
"3" he starts counting down. "2" My eyes flicker back and forth between his lips and his eyes "1" And before he can say the last number, I connect our lips together, free my wrists from his now not so strong grip anymore and wrap them around his neck to press him closer to me. Immediately our tongues start dancing with each other. Do not let go of each other.
"Fuck" he grunts into my mouth "are you on the pill?" He mumbles in my mouth.
"Yeah" I quickly answer. Not a second later I felt his hard one between my legs making me moan, but I didn't have to worry about haz since there was loud music playing in my room.

After this let's say exciting shower, and tom and I have both come down from our activities, he turns off the hot water and then takes my towel which I had already laid out on the edge. But instead of taking it for himself, he wraps it around me until only my head and legs are sticking out.
"come here please" I do as he murmurs and come closer. He wraps his arms under my bottom, then lifts me up, which immediately makes my arms slip out of the towel and wrap around his neck. It almost feels like he is hugging me as he carries me to my bed. And I could swear when he was putting me down he was sniffing my hair. But it doesn't bother me. On the contrary, I enjoy this kind of Tom.
"I'll just get your clothes from the bathroom" he says and switches off the music on the way to the bathroom. After 20 seconds he comes back with the clothes in his arms and also in his black calvin klein boxer shorts again. he knelt at the end of my feet and slowly pulled my panties up my legs, which I didn't expect. I lift my hips up a little until I have them all the way on. Then I lay flat again with my back on the bed. Tom is so sweet to me right now, I wonder how it came to this. It looked different 10 minutes ago in the shower, but I think he let out his anger pretty well. Win, win I guess.
He comes up with his upper body until he hovers above me. With his right hand he grabs a piece of the blanket and throws it over our bodies. When he looks back down at me, his eyes flicker a little in the moonlight. He comes closer and closer until our lips brush against each other. I feel my lips getting hot before I slowly press them against his and close my eyes. My hands go to the back of his head, playing with his perfect wet curls while he uses both of his arms to support himself and not fall on me. We kissed each other passionately for another 5 minutes until he eventually rolled onto the bed next to me and looked up at the ceiling. We both gasped for air, it was no secret as loud as our breaths were, but when our hearts came back down he turned his head to me. So I did the same until our eyes met.
"you look so beautiful right now" he whispered while his fingertips brushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. I blushed a little, tried my best to hide it, but couldn't. So I just giggled nervously.
"therefore you look pretty hot right now" I flirted back, making him smirk
"Oh yeah?" he whispers in a low raspy voice.
"Yeah" I replied. He put his left hand on my left cheek, gently stroking my soft skin. There was silence....
"I've been wanting to ask you that all evening now, so uhm... how was your date? did you enjoy it?" he asks, studying my face while he whispers those words to me.
"It was not a date. We just had a coffee together !" I roll my eyes.
"If you say so" He says but I stay quiet, don't really have anything to say. He comes closer once more and gives me one last kiss on the mouth while we both smile into the kiss. It was just a soft and gentle kiss, no tongue or hard pressing or anything else. And with both of our smiles on our faces, we fell asleep...

I admit the ending sounded better in my head. I'm sorry I didn't post last week, as some on tik tok already knew I was sick and moved to my dad over the weekend among other things so I didn't have time. I hope you enjoyed this (slightly) longer part. From now on I should have most of what is going to happen in this story planned out.

Oh and sorry if there are any spelling mistakes :)

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