Part 60.

812 15 13

Tom's pov~

Back home, Ron informed me about the delay in the CEO election, and uncertainty was spreading among people. Although I had been the frontrunner until the event, my standing was now in jeopardy. But beyond that, the situation at home was a mess. Cassie had gone to her parents' place after our breakup, and the conversation hadn't gone as smoothly as I'd hoped. That explained the thorny scratch on my cheek, which I tried to soothe with a washcloth at home. Note to self: never gift roses with thorns!

Harrison's whereabouts were equally elusive. He seemed to be either with his girlfriend or out with mates, leaving little trace of his whereabouts, much like with Y/N. Speaking of whom, things between us had been quiet for the past few days. I sensed she was giving me space to process everything, which was kind of her, but it felt unsettling, leaving me in a state of disquiet.

Sometimes at night, I contemplated going to her room, only to refrain in the end, doubting whether she wanted to see me, or if she was even awake. The moving boxes lined the hallways, appearing fewer than they actually were. There were about eight in total, and all that remained in her room was the bed, the wardrobe, and a few clothes strewn on the floor in the corner. Then one morning, she received a call saying she wouldn't be able to move into the apartment until October, which was more than a month away. I had to fight back a smile so hard that I almost shed a tear from biting my jaw so tightly. It gave me enough time to persuade her not to move out, even though I hadn't come up with a master plan yet.

"Did you disinfect your scratch again?" Y/N joined me at the kitchen island, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge as I stared at my reflection in the toaster. Tousled hair, a dirty T-shirt from spilled scotch I'd been drinking, and eye bags bigger than my actual eyes overshadowed my appearance.

I spun a story to Y/N about the scratch originating from a squirrel encounter on the street, conveniently leaving out Cassie's tumultuous outburst. Just as I hadn't revealed my recent meeting with Cassie to end things, choosing to keep that secret. Unfortunate for me though, Y/N stumbled upon an information indicating that scratches from wild animals could swiftly lead to infection. This revelation prompted her to insist on the application of ointment and frequent disinfection of the scratch, turning it into a ritual she wouldn't let me skip.

I nodded my head, reluctant to smear more chemicals on my cheek, feeling they might exacerbate the wound rather than help. My gaze remained fixed on the reflection in the toaster, so absorbed that I barely registered Y/N's presence until she firmly grasped my jaw, gently turning it to inspect the scratch once more.

Her pupils flickered as though she was immersed in a high-stakes video game, but instead, she pursed her lips, pressing them together. "You're lying," she declared, then reached for the unpleasant paste on the kitchen counter near the stove, seemingly left there from last time. Taking a small dab on her fingertip, she meticulously and focusedly rubbed it into the almost crusty scratch. Her breath moist against my lips, so warm, I felt a lump forming heavily in my throat.
"Does it hurt?" She questioned, concerned about my well-being, which couldn't have been worse. Not because of her or my cheek but rather due to all the crappy mess unfolding in my life. Sometimes, it felt like she was the only person who didn't judge me, even though she had every right to. It made me feel at ease around her.

I shook my head, unable to find the words as all the events of the past few weeks replayed in my mind. Harrison giving me the silent treatment, the CEO election getting postponed, Cassie's attack with the bouquet, and Y/N—Y/N was the only one not tangled up in all of that, except that I wanted more from her. More time, more attention, more of her. Just her.

As she finished applying the ointment and tossed it aside, she ran a hand through her hair, scanning my face for any hints to break my silence. I hadn't uttered a word all day, more than a silent murmur or hum sounding from my throat. Moreover, since the night of the election, I started drinking. Not excessively, just enough to calm my nerves and catch some sleep, although it resulted in nightmares that haunted me throughout the day. Even Y/N, I think, started noticing it. The other day, I flinched when her keys hit the marble floor. It sounded eerily similar to the noise of cries in the darkest corner of my dreams.

"I hadn't planned on leaving the apartment today, but you look like you could use a pick-me-up. How about a movie and a small snack afterward?" There was a touch of hope blended with a gentle smile and a dash of comfort in her posture, her cold hand resting on the kitchen island. It was already 11:34 pm, and the last thing I wanted was to venture into public and risk running into familiar faces. Yet, she was right, and wherever I went, everything felt worthwhile with her.

So, we ended up in an evening showing of the dumbest movie I had ever watched. It was so ridiculous that Y/N couldn't hold back her laughter. And honestly, her laughter sounded way better than the movie itself. She looked like every Disney princess and so much more with that smile she wore. Call me cheesy, but if I didn't live with Harrison, I'd paint my walls with pictures of her.

Afterward, we sat on the curb by the river, eating Chinese noodles straight from a big pot as we watched the cargo ships pass by.
"I think one day I want to live somewhere by the sea," she stated, gazing into the distance while I chewed on the noodles. I shot her a quizzical look, raising my eyebrows as the noodles turned into mush in my mouth. "Maybe not in the next 10 years, or 20... but someday, when I'm old and wrinkled, I want to live in a small village by the sea without having to work. Maybe in Brazil or somewhere like Spain. As long as it's warm," she explained, dreamily staring ahead. While I despised the winter and its accompanying cold, I wasn't particularly fond of the summer either with its heat and sweat. But as I pondered more about it, Y/N's plan didn't sound bad at all, at least not coming from her. I imagined strolling through the village market hand in hand in the morning to buy vegetables for dinner, taking a swim at noon, just to relax by the pool afterwards... Maybe it was akin to a vacation, which didn't sound half bad, and I could feel the idea melting on my tongue.
"Yeah." I agreed. It felt like I'd glanced over to her for the umpteenth time that evening, not because of her laughter resembling a movie scene, but to gauge if she felt the same about me. Sure, I knew Y/N harbored feelings for me, but with everything that had transpired with Cassie and the chaotic work situation, did she still feel that way?

I yearned to feel her closeness and warmth a thousand times over. Wanted to experience the touch of her hand against my cheek, just like earlier when she applied the ointment, but even more so, I wanted to know how my hand would feel in hers. How she would react if I kissed her now, and whether she'd agree to go on another date with me. Especially considering Harrison and how he treated us. It was one of the main issues that had hindered us from the start.

I could feel an intense longing surge within me as a stray strand of hair brushed against her face in the wind, her delicate touch swiftly tucking it behind her ear. The urge to feel her lips grew stronger with each passing moment. Just one taste of her tongue was all I wanted.

Moving closer, I gently grasped her cheek. It was a tender touch, cautious as if holding fragile glass on the brink of falling. Y/N flinched in surprise nonetheless, a sudden blush painting her cheeks. "Let me kiss you," I pleaded, our lips mere centimeters apart. Just a small distance, and she would be mine for the night. A small distance she held in her hands.

Nevertheless, she needed no second thought before closing the gap, and our mouths collided. Her lips were as soft as butter, one hand gripping firmly onto my collarbone while the other entwined in my locks. Her touch felt like a warm winter's night, suddenly diminishing my fears of winter.

It was passionate yet cautious, each touch, every trace of a fingertip delving deep into my veins. Nothing felt more right than this moment did just now.


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