Part 46

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"How did it come to this?"
"I don't really now honestly..." I said. "It's no secret that Harrison was better at school than me, and Tom wasn't bad either, average I think. So it was not too difficult for them to get this job. I, on the other hand, had a hard time with school. I don't think there was a week from tenth grade on that I didn't cry about school. I finally got through it thanks to Harrison who helped me. Not that I was bullied, but I never fully understood subjects like maths or chemistry. And by the time I graduated, Harrison was already living in New York with Tom." I took a deep breath, which I forgot to take while talking, letting the air escape from my lungs and back from my lips in one smooth move again as I breathe out.
I didn't know why I told him all that, because he surely wasn't even really interested, but well, there's no going back. Sometimes I just babble on without realising what I'm talking about.
"So you moved to New York with Harrison and Tom?" He questioned, bringing his cup to his lips to take a sip.
"Not at first, my parents didn't think much of it since they thought I would end up on the streets, even though I knew Harrison would never let that happen. Nevertheless, I stayed in my hometown in London for the first 3 months, waiting tables." His eyes widened, not expecting me to have waited tables. But it's true, maybe not for long, but I did. It didn't pay me much though, maybe 10 dollars an hour. I don't really remember it, but what I do remember is that I hated it. Stuffy air all the time, only old people and their smell, and worst of all, my boss who could only grumble at me!
"You? And waitressing?" he asked, eyes still wide. I nodded and a loud sigh escaped his lips. He leaned back in his booth, letting his eyes wander out the window, taking in the waving palm trees and expensive cars driving down the street.

"Yeah! wanna hear the craziest thing about all this?" I asked, leaning into the table and resting my elbows on the sticky wooden table. A shake of the head from him was the answer, but not the kind of 'no' but the kind of 'what could be crazier than you and waitressing'.

So, when his eyes met mine again, I went on. "I used to wait tables with Tom's brother!" I saw him trying to hold back the smirk, but I had to smile myself, and so did he. A deep chuckle escaped his throat and his chest rised from it.
"Was he at least not as big an asshole as Tom?"
"Honestly, he was nice, very different from Tom. He did bully me sometimes and tousled my hair, but it was all in good fun. I think he was the reason why I didn't gave up right away as a waitress." He nodded, processing my answer in his ulterior motives.

"What was his name?" He asked.
"Harry" I answered.
Yeah, Harry was cool. Kept telling me about the dates he had, and how every single one of them went wrong while we were washing dishes or doing chores like taking out the rubbish after a long shift. The poor guy never found a girlfriend, but the good thing is that afterwards we always had something to laugh about. We still talk on the phone from time to time, but unfortunately we don't have as much contact as we used to.

I don't even know if Tom talks to him much anymore, or at all. I remember the curly-haired redhead often going outside the door to have a quick word with his big brother, but well, that was a while ago. The time difference was to blame. At least that's what I think. Because Tom woke up when Harry was at work, and then he was at work when Harry went to bed, there was never really much of a window of opportunity for the two of them. Over time, the two must have forgotten to call each other. However, I am sure that Tom is still in contact with his parents from time to time. Harrison or I, on the other hand, phone our parents at least every week. Admittedly, Harrison has taken over the last 3 weeks, I wanted to keep the subject of Tom as far away as possible, and with my mother constantly asking me about my new lover, that's hard...

But no, I won't start with Tom now. Not when I'm sitting here relaxing with Oliver in the coffee shop.
"Heard we're going out to dinner with some work colleagues tonight." The words leave his mouth, mobile phone between his fingers, turning it only out of boredom with lowered gaze.
"Really? Who's coming?" I question, bringing the cup between my fingertips, to my lips, taking a cold sip and letting the delicious iced tea liquid run down my throat.
"Uhh, Markus, Jonathan, Will, Aaron and his girlfriend, Tom and..." Tom, there it was. His name sat deep in my stomach, bringing an oppressive feeling through my blood. As if he was sucking the air out of my lungs, out of my stomach, out of my body, I quickly hugged my belly.

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