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• Maddi POV •

"I'm on my way, Matthew, I'm so sorry, I forgot." I lied, well not completely because I actually did. "It's fine, just hurry up." He said, we exchanged byes then hung up. "I'm going to go now." I told James getting back into my clothes. He started getting into his also, I stopped him before he could put his shirt back on. "Leave it off." I smirked.

It was a nice view, they were way better than Carter's, I normally wouldn't ever compare anyone to my Carter, but I wasn't lying. Carter will get there one day, also keep in mind James is twenty five and Carter is only twenty. He's got five more years to try.

"I'm taking you wherever you're going." He announced, I shrugged rushing to his front door, he followed and I put on my shoes and we left out.

It was a minute drive, but we got there. "Who's this?" Matthew asked, I tightened my grip on James' hand so he wouldn't say anything to Matthew. "My boyfriend, James, this is Matthew, a really close friend." I introduced them. James held out his hand and Matthew shook it. The passenger door opened and out stepped Carter, "Sorry, I brought ching chong." Matthew said, I frowned and nodded, "We were going to take you to see Mason like we talked about over the phone." Matthew said.

"Maddi," Carter said averting my attention to him, he smiled, "Can I have a hug please? I haven't seen you in forever." He pleaded. I looked up at James, giving him a questioning look. "This is your boyfriend isn't it?" Carter asked, I could feel his heart breaking. I nodded, "This is James." I introduced them, he nodded and they shook hands. "I still want a hug." He mumbled, James shrugged so I hugged him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he had his around my waist, not to low and I assumed he was respecting the fact that I was moving on. Even though I hadn't completely moved on. Our hug lasted for about five seconds then I went back to holding James' hand, I dug around in my purse and grabbed the little phone box, "Here," I said handing it to Carter, "I'm replacing the phone I broke." I muttered letting all those memories back inside. I only did that so I could feel like a better person, I shouldn't of had because he could never bring me back my baby girl.

"No keep it, I got a new one already." He smiled holding his up. I put it back in my purse, I don't plan on keeping it, but I wasn't about to get into a pointless argument at the moment.

"We'll follow you guys." I told Matthew, he nodded and we got back into our cars.

"That was weird." James chuckled, I nodded smiling falsely.


"Before we go inside, you should know that Mason is having a hard time at the moment, he's not so nice. He's having some trouble going back to the old Mason." Matthew said, "Has he been rude to Laura?" I asked hopeful that he wasn't. I'd have to kill him. "No, but he did try to wax Carter's armpit hair while we were sleeping." Matthew chuckled looking at Carter. I smiled again, fakely.

"So he's just being an ankle biter?" I asked, Matthew shook his head, "No, he didn't really speak to anyone after you left." He answered. I nodded and we walked inside the house.

I walked over to where Laura and Mr. Espinosa were. When she saw me her whole face lit up, I smiled, it isn't every day that a former orphan gets that reaction from someone. "I didn't think you were going to come back." She chuckled hugging me, she looked up at James, Laura was really short, so James was towering over her a lot.

"Hi, I'm Laura." She smiled to him, he must have felt so awkward. I would've.

"I'm going to go get Mason." I announced leaving everyone to question James and shit. I felt bad, but I'd rather it be him than me...

I walked into Mason's room to see him laying out on his bed like a loner, he looked genuinely upset and alone. "Mason?" I called out, he looked up at me, he tried to hide the smile on his lips, but I could see it. "Why are you here? I thought you ran off with that one guy." He snapped, "Don't talk to me like that." I laughed going to sit on his bed. When I did he scooted back so his back was touching the head board.

I looked at what was ahead of me instead of at him, I looked at the walls and noticed she had them professionally done considering when Carter and I did it, it looked horrible. I felt his foot connect to my side, not hard, but it definitely wasn't soft. I fell off his bed and I noticed she had gotten those little stars that glow in the dark above his bed.

I laughed, "Wow, you are truly worse than I was at that age." I told him, he shrugged, "I don't care." He smiled, he got up and offered me his hand, we sat on his bed in silence until he started speaking.

"Why does everyone leave me?" He asked, I looked at him like he was an alien, who would ever leave him? He's such a good person, not now, but he is a good person. "Our parents left us." He said, he gave me a look like he wanted me to explain something I couldn't. "No, Mason, no one left you. Our parents loved us." I told him smiling, he shook his head, "They gave us away." He told me, I felt like he was putting some new information in my head.

He must have forgotten that permanently after his concussion. I could feel tears going through my throat to my eyes, "No, Mason, they didn't leave us." I said, it came out as a sob, but I wasn't crying yet so I wasn't sobbing. "Then tell me why we were in an orphanage!?" He raised his voice, that's when all the tears started coming down my face.

Seeing him hurt all over again, having to tell him that they didn't just abandon us and that they died, I couldn't do that, I didn't sign up for that. I didn't sign up for any of this. Mason and I were extremely good and amazing kids, we didn't deserve anything. Maybe if I would have been the way I was at the age of sixteen my whole life then I would be able to understand, but I just can't right now.

"No, Mason, they died in a fire." I sobbed, now I'd allow myself to think I was sobbing, because I actually was. He shook his head, "No they didn't. Stop trying to cover for them." He snapped, "it's their fault why we are living so broken, don't you dare try and lie to me so I don't hold a grudge." he spat.

"because even if they did die, we did not deserve how our life went from the moment we stepped into that fucking orphanage."

I wanted to hit him, I wanted to hit Carter, I wanted to hit everyone. "Please, don't force yourself to believe that." I said strongly, I have to protect my little brother and I can't do that by crying in front of him. "Please, Mason. Just start over with everything." I pleaded, "forget all about that shit in the past, Laura is your parent now and I'll always be here whenever you need me and so will Matthew." I said. "Yeah until things get bad and you run off again, I'll always have Matthew, but I don't know about you." He snapped then he got up and walked out.

I just sat there letting that sentence replay in my soul, it was like I was being shot with an arrow that said, "I'll always have Matthew, but I don't know about you."

I walked down the stairs shortly and James was sitting on a chair, he looked uncomfortable, not in the chair, just in this house. "We should probably leave." I muttered walking over to James and taking his hand. He smiled and nodded.

I felt so pathetic, but what Mason said really hurt me, he didn't understand why I went away and he never will so I understand why he got so mad, but it was like he was a completely different person.

It was nearly about to be four and I was getting ready to get in the bed to sleep forever. I took off my clothes and put on some pajamas, they were actually mine for once. "Maddi." James whispered. I looked at him and he moved my short hair out my face, no one even noticed my hair cut either, I just wanted to cry. "What happened to where you wanna go to sleep early?" He asked, I was going to tell him, but a cough came out instead. How lucky was I?

"I just don't feel good." I lied. He nodded and took off his clothes so he was just in his basketball shorts. He laid down and so did I. I laid the opposite of how I'd ever lay with my boyfriend. I slept on my side at the edge of his bed, just waiting for my already darkened soul to grab me then drag me under the bed to out me of my misery.

-tip toe to the window-

Right as those thoughts flooded my head, James grabbed my body and pulled me into him, "Don't sleep so far away." He said lowly.

Recovery• Magcon fanfic , sequel to Be AlrightWhere stories live. Discover now