17. Memories

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A ghastly silence. The familiar shots of the combat had fallen silent. She had fallen into this state. In the midst of the Force, yet far from what normally awaited the dead.

It was too late. And yet something told her that her journey was not over. Her life was not finally over.

Something white and luminous clasped her arm. Like a noose someone had thrown at her. Rays emerged from it, growing larger and larger, dazzling more glaringly and gaining strength, until finally her vision was completely taken over by the white glow.

But then it faded. Ahsoka opened her eyes, still levitating in the strange vortex of the Force.

Something lit up the space around her, which was apart from that only glittering blackness. Her body was surrounded by a glowing cloak. Someone was calling her back. Someone was calling her name!

Longingly, the girl followed the voice that sounded so familiar to her. She came closer to the sound, but her name echoed so far away and so softly through the Force.

"Anakin!", she cried out to the voice. But only the hint of a word came back. From another voice. She was speaking to him. "General..."

It was Rex!

"Rex! I'm here!" Her shouts echoed off the non-existent walls in desperation.

Then everything fell silent.

Tears came to her eyes and ran down her cheeks. What had she expected anyway?

She didn't understand anything right now. Since when had she been so frail? So vulnerable? So delicate and weak?

Exhausted, she let herself slide onto her back. Her fall proceeded at an infinitely slow speed and yet so quickly that she hardly noticed it.

She had the feeling of having lost herself. She was alone. Alone in the Force.

Without a material body, without anything familiar to her.

It didn't make any sense. According to the legends, after death, the spirit passed into the Force to all the others who had died.

Was she still alive?

Oh, what did it matter now, she didn't know how to get out of here. Tears streamed down her face and evaporated as they broke away from her skin.

The wound on her side didn't exist. Only in her memory.



"What do you mean?", she sent her question through the darkness still slightly lit by her.

No answer. Just the instruction again, remember.

She was tired of having to solve more and more riddles, of having to keep fighting. Of being strong. What good did it do her?


"Just leave me alone"

But he didn't. Or rather his voice, sent through the Force around her.

'Remember who you are'

Ahsoka closed her eyes, her arms tucked under her head, her legs stretched forward.

And the memories flashed past her like a movie being shown to give her the strength to come back.

A young Togruta was literally racing through the corridors of the temple. For no particular reason, she was totally psyched about the upcoming training. It was nothing special, a simple hour of lightsaber practice with her master.

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