Chapter 6

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Lunch period was reluctantly over and I could finally come out of the janitors closet.

I don't know why I freaked out, I guess it was just because my friends don't care that the guys they like hate and harass me.

So, I did what I do best. Run. I always run away from situations. Physically. I usually climb a tree and just sit there, or I run to relieve stress. It always works.

I'm still not sure why Connor came running after me, I'm more than certain he just wanted to bug me about how much of a cry baby I am.

Trust me, he's done it before.

Or maybe he really did care and wanted to help me, and make me feel happy...


Now the time that I dreaded the most has come. Chemistry.

I walk into the horrid classroom, Connor already in Adilaes seat, ready to begin.

His chin is resting on his hands, he looks rather annoyed.

Oh yeah, because he's forced to work with me.

As usual, I was doing everything by myself. She gave us partners for a reason.

I saw Connor from the corner of my eye, he looked so confused, and desperate for answers. "You don't get it do you?"

"Not one bit."

I giggle, "Here, you try."

"But I don't know how-"

"I'll help you." I assure. He nodded.

"Take tube A and mix with chemical 'C'" I read aloud.

He did as it said, "Okay now what?"

"Mix all of the chemicals into the bowl, then add a drop of dish soap." I read again. Connor looks flustered, "What?" I ask.

"It just seems to easy." He said. "Just do it and you'll see." I assure.

He did as the instructions said, let's just say his face was priceless. He saw the puff of a cloud appear then dissapear. "That's freaking dope!" He yells.

I raise an eyebrow, "Dope?"

"Yeah, its like slang."

"Alright.. Wellx dope." I smirk, which caused him to smirk back.

"Hey Audrey?" Connor asked. I turned to him, nodding for him to go on. "Your good at science right?"

"I'd hope so. Why?"

"Well, I was wondering if you'd want to help me to study for the final?" Connor asked, mumbling.

"Is this a joke?" I scoff. Nice try.

"No, I'm serious. I'm failing science already, and your a pro at it. Maybe if you helped me study for the final, I'll pass."

I thought it over, his expression was hopeful. He was being serious.

Oh my God. Connor Franta literally asked me of all people to tutor him.

"Fine." I murmur. Connor smiled and continue to take notes on the expierement.

A/N short chapter. I do these a lot. Sorry. Sue me?

Hahaha. Yeah.

Well, I just wanted to point out that I do not revise my chapters before I post them, so do not point out my spelling and grammar mistakes because odds are I am fully aware.

Sorry for all the short chapters /:

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