Chapter 12

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I was awoken with the brightest smile you've ever seen.

I was officially Connor's girlfriend and life couldn't get better.

I was not expecting anything that happened that night. The waterfall, the star gazing, learning so much about him (including the Executive functioning), him asking me out and the memorable kiss.

There's a whole future ahead, and I can't wait to see what's in store.

Connor's coming over tonight, because it's our last night to study for his final.

He's come so far since we first started studying. I can read them entire study guide and he can fill in almost every blank. I'm truly proud.

It's been exactly a week since that night. A week filled with constant messages and phone calls, butterflies and smiles.

I believe I am the happiest person in the world right now, nobody's happiness could ever compare to my own.

Who knew? Who knew that a guy that bullied me, is now my boyfriend? It feels quite surreal.

Connor asked to hangout today, but of course, he wouldn't tell me what it is. All he said was bring a swimsuit.

Not too long after I was fastening my seat belt in Connors car.

Currently we have the music blaring to "Welcome to New York", as Connor tries to sing along, failing horribly in the process.

I laugh at his actions, "What's so funny?" He asks. "Nothing," I smile.

"What? You don't like my singing?" He yells over the music. I turn down the music, "I'd rather keep my hearing by the end of the night."

He returns his attention to the road. A couple minutes later we arrived at the Santa Monica pier. I've never been here before, but it was beautiful.

"Connor, its so beautiful." I say getting out of the car. He took his hand in mine, "Just like you."

"Oh, shut up." I say, he just smiles and pecks my cheek.

I've always loved swimming, just maybe not too fond of oceans. I love the beach, just not the water.

You have no idea what could be swimming around in there. A shark at worst.

"Do you wanna go in the water?" Connor asks suddenly.

My heart was beating fast. If I tell him I'm afraid to go in, he may think I'm boring, or that I'm a baby.

"You okay?" He asks again, scooting closer. "I just, no, forget it." I say.

"Audrey, whats on your mind?"

"It's nothing, you'll probably laugh." I realize that the old Connor is far gone, he's a new guy, but its still hard to believe that.

"Look at me." He says. I looked.

"You can tell me anything and I will never laugh at you. Just tell me." Connor begs. I breathe, "I'm afraid of oceans."

"You know how to get over your fears right?"

I shake my head, "How?"

He cracks a smile, "You face them." With that he picked me up like a bride on her wedding day. Knowing what he was up to, I scream.

"CONNOR! PUT ME DOWN!" I yell at the top of my lungs. We're knee deep in the water and I feel as if my stomach is trying to come up my throat.

Connor finally put me down to where I could stand in the water. My heart was beating so fast, and I just couldn't help but to think a shark is going to attack me.

"Relax, Audrey. Just enjoy the water." He says as he floats.

I roll my eyes. "Nope. I'm perfectly fine."

Not more than a minute after he put me down I say, "Can we get out now?"

"Anything for the cry baby." Connor laughs. I laugh sarcastically and he gives me a glare.

We're back on shore on the safe sand. A sigh of relief escaped my lips.

"That wasn't that bad." he mocks. "That's because we got out before the shark ate us."

Connor rolls his eyes. "You overreact too much."

"I'm a professional, you know this." I reply with a smile. "Well, of course."

The sun was now fading slowly into the darkness, the beautiful sunset as the only light we have, and it feels magical.

Connor pulls a camera from his bag, "What're you doing?" I ask. He snaps a picture of the sunset against the shore.

I catch a glimpse of the picture, "Wow, you're really good at taking picture." I say honestly. Really, he caught the perfect angle and lighting.

"I've had a lot of practice. I can't go anywhere without taking a picture." He explains.

I nod, its inspiring really. It makes me want to take photos of the areas around me, the thought never occurred to me before. "What do you normally take pictures of?"

"Beautiful things." He says with a smile. "Show me one of the pictures you've taken." I say scooting closer.

I enjoyed seeing all the beautiful landscapes Connor had taken today, then we came across a picture of me with my feet halfway in the water, halfway in the sand.

"What's that?" I ask.

"Just another beautiful thing that I couldn't help but take a picture of."

I turn my head away and cover my blushing red cheeks. I turn back to him, "I'm serious." He says.

"No your not. I'm not nearly as beautiful as all the other pictures."

"You're right, your breathtaking." Connor says in almost a whisper.

I shake my head in disagreement. "Why don't you believe me?" He asked.

"I don't know, maybe one day I will."

A/N I haven't updated in a while, but I'm in the midst of a 5 hour drive so I might update a little a long the way. (: (:

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