Chapter 13

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I haven't told Connor yet, but I've been awaiting a letter. A letter from the college of my dreams, Princeton University.

I want to major in English Literature, and Princeton is the exact place I'd like to experience schooling.

But, of course, I made a deal with myself. If Connor doesn't want me to leave, I'm not going.

I know, it sounds terrible that I'd let my boyfriend control my future, but he's all I have left, and if he doesn't want me to go, then so be it, I'll soar another dream.

My palms are sweaty and my knees are shaking, I stare at the unopened envelope, curious but doubtful about what may be inside.

With a swift motion, I opened up the envelope.

It read,

"Audrey Ranniger,

We are more than happy to inform you that we have a special spot for you here at Princeton University..."

I don't know whether I should scream or cry.

I got in. I got in to the school of my dreams, one of the highest ranked universities in the US. And they pick me?

I jump up and down, but a sudden shiver ran down my spine. From all the excitement i neglected to remember about my promise I made myself.

If Connor doesn't want me to go, I'm not going. If he shows even the least bit of discomfort I am throwing that letter away and find a college closer to home.

I decided to text Connor and schedule sometime to hangout so I get the chance to share the great (possibly dreadful) news.

But first , I told Tommy.

I knocked on my older brothers door and without hearing a response I walked right in.

I hold up the letter in front of my face, tears still streaming down my reddened face from all the excitement.

Instantly knowing he said, "Audrey! You got in! This is amazing! We have to tell Mom, and Dad!" he continues, "I'm so happy for you." he stops. He could see right through my forced smile.

"Why don't you look happy?" he says concerned.

"Of course I'm happy, I'm ecstatic! but, Princeton is thousands of miles away from here. What about Bethany, Jenn, Andrea. Tommy, what about Connor? He's my number one supporter, I can't do this on my own."

Tommy frowns in disappointment, "You can't rely on a boy to make your decisions for you." I knew he was right, but I need him in my life.

We all know how these long distance relationships work. With my studies and schooling there would be no time for facetime, no time for late phone calls, no time for a boyfriend thousands of miles away.

"I get that living without somebody you really care about can be tough, but you need to make these decisions on your own. You're almost an adult, you need to learn how to be on your own."

I know he's trying to help, but everything he's saying keeps going into one ear and out the other. I know what I want, and I want to be with Connor for as long as I can, and if that means by the time fall roles around, then so be it.

I message Connor to come over for tutoring today instead of tomorrow. He asked why and I told him that I want to talk about it in person.



Audrey had asked me to come over today instead of tomorrow. It sounds important and urgent, maybe she found a method for my Executive Functioning, and just had to share it with me. Or maybe she's breaking up with me, maybe she's mad at me about something.

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