Chapter 9

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I hated the way Audrey gets treated, everything she told me was right. I just needed to open my eyes to realize it. 

I want to put an end to bullying Audrey, but I don't know how the guys will react if I stand up for her.

It sounds selfish but I care about my image here.

But, now as a senior I realize that I should value different things. Important things.

Like Audrey.

She's really good at teaching and cool to be with.

When she's not in a bad mood that is.

I still keep thinking about what she said last night.

"I don't waste my time on ignorant assholes."

Is she right? Am I really an ignorant asshole?

I need to make things better between us, and fast. I just need to wait for one of the guys to say or do something so I have a chance.

A chance to prove to her that there's more to me than she sees.

I walk into school and was immediantly greeted by my boys. I greet them all and we head off to our lockers. 

We all saw Audrey and all the boys started snickering about her. Ricky said "Watch this."

And I watched.

I watched him shove her into a locker and step on all her papers.

Here's your chance, Connor. Don't screw it up.

"RICKY WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream. The whole hallway dropped silent.

I help up Audrey who had fallen to the ground. I pick up her papers and hand them neatly back to her. "Are you okay?" I ask, concerned.

"Connor, you don't have to do this?"

"But I do." I wink at her.

"Now apologize." I say to Ricky.

"Dude. You have got to be kidding." Ricky says very confused.

"No, I'm not. Apologize."

Ricky smiles and turns to Audrey, "I'm sorry." There was a pause, "That nobody likes you."

"That's it." Is all I say before I have Ricky pinned to the lockers.

"What'd she ever do to you? Huh?" My voice was sharp. "What has gotten into you?"

"What's gotten into me? Whats gotten into you!? She's never laid a finger on you and you think you can treat her this way. It's sickening." I spat.

"You're being such a hypocrite right now, Connor. Since when do you care?"

"Since I started liking her!" The words flowed out my mouth before I had time to process it. I just told everyone that I liked Audrey.

Her face was in shock, as for Ricky's. I could tell nobody expected this to happen, I didn't even expect it. But now its out.

I let go of him gently. At that time the bell rang, saving me from any more awkward moments.

I hope Audrey doesn't treat me any different. I know she doesn't like me and I have to learn to accept that.

But for now, I'll take being friends. Even if that's the only thing we'll ever be.



Wow is all the words my mind can comprehend right now.

I'm at loss of words and I can't believe what my ears have heard.

He likes me. Connor Franta likes me. He could have any girl in this school, he's basically already dated more than half of them so I don't get why he didn't pick them.

What makes me so special.

I decided that its my turn to apologize. What he did back there was far more than I could ever ask for.

He didn't stick up for me because I asked him to, he did it out of the goodness of his heart.

My heart fluttered as I walked into chemistry today. Connor was already at our table. He glanced up at me and his cheeks immediantly flushed a light red.

I smile to myself.

I wish he knew I liked him back. But I can't just say it in front of the whole school like he did. I'm far too shy and would probably humiliate myself in the making.

"So, do you plan on helping me today?"

"Do you plan on making me?" Connor smirked. "Unfortunately, yes." I laughed.

Connor laughed too as we get started on our homework assignment.

Science went surprisingly well. Neither of us made it awakward. Which was the only thing I was worried about.

Maybe someday I'll let him know I like him back, maybe we'll become more than friends. Maybe.

A/N   Yay Connor (; (:

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