Chapter 11

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It almost happened. I almost kissed Connor. What would have happened if it did happen? Did he want to kiss me or was it just heat of the moment? What would of happened if Tommy didn't barge in?

My mind was filled with all of these unanswered questions. The thing is, I wanted to kiss him. More than anything. But, Tommy just had to walk in, at that exact moment. Its almost as if it was planned, that's how ironic it was.

In the midst of my thought I received a notification. It was Connor. That's weird I thought. I clicked on the notification.

From: Connor

Are you busy today?

My eyes widened. Does Connor want to hangout with me?

To: Connor

Nope, what's up?

A minute later i received a reply.

From: Connor

Do you maybe wanna do something with me today? Like just hangout?

My face turned red and my heart almost pounded out of my chest.

To: Connor

What do you have planned? I'd love to!

Another minute had passed and I received the next text.

From: Connor

It's a surprise!

He sounded so enthusiastic and I couldn't be any more joyed. He texted me all the details.

An hour later it was 5:30, Connor said he'd pick me up at 5:45. That means 15 minutes of nervousness and nausea.

15 minutes had finally passed and my I heard his signature knock on the door. And as for every time, Tommy answered.

"Uh, hey Connor, its Saturday, what are you doing here?" Tommy asked.

"I'm taking Audrey out, now if you don't mind-" Connor says, pushing Tommy out of the way and looks at me.

"Be back later." I say to Tommy.

Tommy was shocked, probably because Connor has hated me for years and just decides to hangout with me.

I'd be pretty stunned too.

We got into the car and Connor instantly put a bandanna around my eyes. "Connor," I laugh, "What are you doing?"

"I told you it'd be a surprise. Now shh, its a short drive so just be patient.

10 minutes passed. "You said this would be a short drive!"

"Audrey, its been like 10 minutes. Just wait." Connor said. I shut up after that.

Many thoughts were going through my head. Where are we going is the most frequent.

"Here." Connor finally announced. I could tell through the blindfold that the sun was setting. "You can take it off now," Connor suggested.

I took the blindfold off and we were in a meadow/park/lake area. I'm not really sure which of the three it was supposed to be, but it was beautiful.

"Shall we?" Connor asks, grabbing my hand into is. A spark ran through me at his touch, but I soon calmed.

We started walking on a path, and talked about random things. Our conversation was so broad. We went from his final to our personal lives.

From this I learned that Connor has 3 other siblings, 1 older brother and sister and a younger brother. He went to a private school but then transferred to our school for highschool. I can't even imagine how scary that would be.

I even told him some things about me, about my many siblings and how I've been to this school my whole life.

In the midst of our talking Connor came to a stop. We stopped by this beautiful flowing waterfall that I could watch for hours upon hours.

He looked at the waterfall, "It's beautiful isn't it?" He asks. I nod my head, "It is."

Connor sat down on a tree stump by the waterfall and I sat next to him. "There's one more thing that you don't know about me."  I look into his eyes, letting him know that he can trust me.

"What is it, Con?" I ask calmly. He takes a breath, "I have a learning disability." I saw tears thrill his eyes, threatening to come out, my he blinked them away.

"What's the disability?" I ask. "It's called Executive Functioning." I was confused since I've never heard of the disorder, I just leaned closer, letting him know that he shouldn't be scared.

He could tell I didn't know what it was, so he spoke up. "It means I lack the ability to pay attention and remember details and managing time, space and organization."

"Oh, Connor. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I thought you would be ashamed of me. Or even laugh." The first tear slid, I wiped it away with my thumb. "I would never do such a thing. I'm right here for you, I'll never leave your side. You don't have to face this alone." I say.

He takes his hand back in mine, wiping off his face with his free one, and we begin walking again.

We made it to the meadow. By now it was completely dark and the stars were shining bright.

We laid down in the sea of sunflowers and daisies as we star gazed.

We pointed out all the constellations. Connor even managed to point out a cat, (Which I learned is his favorite animal.)

Connor turned towards me and I look into his deep green eyes. He was in deep thought, "What are you thinking about?" I ask.


"Why me?" I wonder. He looked back at the stars. "Can I ask you something?" He says, completely ignoring the previous question. "Of course, anything."

He got closer to me and tucked a stray hair behind my ear, "Will you, uhm. Will you maybe, uh. Will you-"

Knowing exactly what he was going to say, I cut him off with a kiss.


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