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Present Day

I don't have much time to dwell on the past, because as their music starts there's already a cry for help at the barricade. A young girl, probably around fifteen is being pressed up against the metal gate. I take three long strides towards her and start yelling at the girls behind her to back up. They are all going crazy screaming out band members' names without a care in the world.

I survey the area. Lars comes up behind me, his loud roar commanding the others to step back. The brown haired girl cries out in pain as the concert goers seem to not want to listen.

"Let's get her out of there," Lars barks in my ear.

I give a curt nod to let him know I'm ready. He shoves his arms out wide to one side, while I reach for the girl's hand. Her face is beat read, eyes tear filled, and sweat beads down her face. It's almost one-hundred degrees out here. Her chest heaves as she continues to sob.

I stand on the step attached to the barricade, making me taller than she is. I reach under her arms and begin to pull her up and over. Lars retreats from the other's and helps me step down and get her legs over the bar.

"I can't breathe," she cries.

"It's okay. I've got you."

Lars grabs his walkie as I wrap my arm around her. She goes a little limp in my arms and I worry she's dehydrated. On the left side of the stage, rushing over, are some paramedics on standby at the nearby tent. They jog to us as I set her down away from the crowd on a small metal chair. She can watch the band from here, but the shade from the large overhang on the stage covers her.

I set her down in the seat and kneel beside her. She reaches for my hand, her chest heaving with every breath. A young paramedic probably in his early twenties, hands her a bottle of Poland spring. He opens it and helps her drink slow sips.

"How old are you?" I ask her.

"Fourteen," she replies.

She holds tighter onto my hand. "I lost my friends in the crowd."

Her shoulder shakes as she sobs. "We'll find them after, okay? For now you can see the show from here. It's a better view anyway. Look, even..." My eyes hit the stage, landing on Landry. He saw the whole encounter. Wide eyed he watches me.

"Oh my god, Landry Stiles is looking at me!" she squeals.

Suddenly, she forgets about what happened in the pit, and smiles. She turns her head in my direction, a happy glow radiates on her beat red sunburnt face.

"Thank you." She says, after a moment of being pulled in by those hazel eyes. It's easy to get sucked in.

"Your welcome."

"Stay with me?"

"Can we call your parents or someone?" I yell, over the pounding of the bass.

I hear Landry say something about respecting everyone's space in the crowd. I don't catch the whole thing, because I'm too busy attempting to help her locate her friends and family.

"My mom isn't here," she sniffs, between songs. "My friend is in the pit somewhere. Can I wait here until the show is over?"

I nod. "of course."

"So, can you stay here with me. My chest still feels weird."

I glance back over my shoulders to see Lars. Tony has made his way over, he probably radioed for backup. He and Tony can handle the crowd for now.

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