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20 Years Earlier

I woke up early that very last morning and watched the workers as they broke down the stages, and the vendors packed their belongings. The scene before me that morning left a heavy weight on my heart.

I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest. The sun danced along the empty field as it rose behind the trees. I still to this day hate having to wake up on the official last morning with no concert or event to look forward to. Even as I got older it was still the worst thing.

As I sat there a loud sob escaped my trembling lips, waking Landry from his sleep. He rolled over and caught me at the window. He got up fast and shot across the room in fewer than five steps. He held me and smoothed out my hair. He hated the idea of leaving just as much as I did.

I couldn't believe I had to leave this amazing weekend behind. When I first found out dad had been planning on dragging me to the festival I wasn't sold on the idea, but after it all ended it became a part of me. Nothing would compare to that one weekend every summer.

"You have my info right?"

I nodded, the lump in my throat was too big.

"And I have yours. We won't lose touch I promise." He planted a soft kiss to my forehead. I remember feeling "Wooed" by his actions.

When his mom returned it was time to pack our things and meet with my dad down in the lobby. An overwhelming sadness had invaded my heart and at twelve it felt like the end of the world. I hoped and prayed that the next year would fly by and then I could see him again, surely his dad would bring him, right? I should have trusted my gut then. Even with all the kisses he snuck my way before we left, a heaviness in my belly told me this wouldn't end well.

We rolled our suitcases down to the hotel lobby. The only part of that morning that was exciting was seeing the guys in Simple Plan lounging on the couches of the lobby. We waved, not wanting to bother them, but they were too kind and came over for some autographs and pictures. I have those pictures hidden away in the box under my bed with all the other memories of Landry.

Dad and Landry's parents took our luggage to the cars, leaving us to say goodbye. Without hesitation, the tears started - not for me - for him. It was his turn and he wrapped his arms around me like an octopus. My face buried deep into his neck taking in the scent of hotel soap that lingered on his skin.

He pulled away first, but went in for another kiss.

"Are you both ready to go?"

Dad had come back seconds before our lips met. I stood on my toes and planted a long kiss to his right cheek. He swiped at the tear that fell from my eyes, and without another word I pulled away and ran to dad. He threw an arm over me and as we walked out the revolving doors one last time I looked over my shoulder and it broke my heart to see him sob like he knew what the next twenty years would entail.


Present Day

Daylight peeks through the hotel curtains, and unlike the last time we'd spent the night exploring each other, he was here when the sun rose. His limbs are tangled up in mine and I can't help but press him closer. He moans softly and tugs me into him, nuzzling his nose into my neck. I could get used to this, but there's a part of me skeptical of our relationship lasting or going further than this weekend. I hate thinking about it, but it's hard to picture a real life with him.

"Give me your phone," he whispers.

"What, why?"

He nuzzles further into my neck. "So I can put my number in there."

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