Another Ultrasound

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Two weeks after dinner with Henry's parents, you had the doctor appointment for your ultrasound.

You and Henry discussed whether you wanted to find out the gender. You did, because you were impatient. Luckily, he wanted to find out too.

It had been arranged that Henry would be escorted to a room as soon as he arrived. That would minimize the chance for him being recognized. There was a side entrance that he would use.

You left work early, because your appointment was at 2pm. You wanted to be comfortable, so you stopped at home and changed into a cute dress that showed off your bump. Your maternity business attire was a bit uncomfortable.

You arrived at the doctors office at 1:45pm. You got checked in, and they immediately escorted you to the room. You smiled when you saw that Henry was already there.

He smiled wide at you and said, "I couldn't wait any longer!"

"I think it's cute."

He came over and gave you a big hug and kissed the side of your head. That was new. You liked it. His hand rubbed across your belly. The baby shifted and he felt it for the first time.

"Oh my god! Did the baby just kick?"

"Yes! Little one has been very active today."

"I can't believe I just felt our baby move for the first time." He had tears shimmering in his eyes, and the widest smile on his face.

You couldn't help but smile when he pulled you into another hug. He just stood there, hugging you. You relaxed into it, your belly pressed against his. The baby moved again and he felt it on his stomach. He pulled back with another big smile and a little laugh.

"That's amazing! Does it always feel like that?"

"It's incredible. It feels like. Oh god, I don't even know how to describe it. It's almost like these waves in my stomach."

The nurse walked in while you were talking, so you moved over to the table. Once you were situated, she laid the table back and had you lift your dress. Henry reached over and linked his fingers with yours.

The nurse did the measurements on your stomach, and Henry watched intently. When she pulled out the gel to do the ultrasound, you could feel Henry's hand trembling just a bit. You squeezed it, and he looked down at you with the biggest smile. The excitement on his face was priceless. You loved to see how much he already loves your child.

His eyes were glued to the screen when she moved the wand around, and he couldn't wipe the smile off his face when he heard the heartbeat again. You were both smiling as you saw your baby on the screen. It was such an incredible sight.

"Do you want to know the gender?"

You both said yes at the same time. He looked down at you and smiled.

"Looks like you are having a girl."

You felt tears run down your cheeks. The smile on Henry's face was amazing. He looked so happy.

"Oh my god. We're having a girl!"

"Brilliant! She's going to be such a daddy's girl."

You cried a little more when he said that. You hadn't really thought about it in that context, but you were looking at your daughter's daddy. A man she would look up to and love forever.

When she finished the ultrasound, she gave you the tissues and left the room. You cleaned off your belly and pulled down your dress. You weren't shy, so you didn't worry about Henry seeing your panties. You'd had sex with him. Seeing your panties wasn't a big deal.

Once your dress was in place, Henry pulled you in for another hug. You stood there with your arms around him, hugging him just as tight as he was hugging you. When he pulled back, he put his hand on your belly again.

"I can't believe we are having a girl. I couldn't be more happy. This is so amazing."

"I know. There are no words. Our baby girl is growing in me right now. Our daughter."

There were tears in both of your eyes as you said that. You looked up at him with a smile, not trying to hide your tears. He pulled you into a hug, and you just stood there with your face on his chest and his arms around you as you thought about the fact that you were having a baby girl with this fantastic man.

"Thank you for letting me be here."

"I told you, you can be at any appointment you want. You don't have to thank me for letting you be involved with the pregnancy. I want you here, Henry. I want to be able to share the growth of our child with you. This baby is half of each of us. I want all of both of us to be in this baby's life forever."

"I want that too."

He pulled you into another hug. He was being extra affectionate today.

"Come on, sweetheart. We probably can't just hang out here all day."

You chuckled at that, and followed him out of the room toward the side entrance. He held your hand as you walked. You'd noticed that he had been doing that more too. You really didn't mind. Truth be told, you liked it. When you got to the door, he pulled you into yet another hug. When he let go, he tilted your chin up.

"I'll text you later, sweetheart. Alright?"

"Yeah, of course."

He kissed the side of your head, and went out the door with another smile toward you.

You walked out to the front to take care of the paperwork and schedule your next appointment. One of the receptionists kept looking at you. You were guessing that she had seen you with Henry. You'd have to get used to that.

Later that night, you got a text from Henry.

Hey, sweetheart.

Hey, Henry.

Are you free for dinner tomorrow?

Yeah, I am.

Would you meet me at the hotel at 6?

Of course. Same as last time?

Yes. I'll let them know.

Sounds good.

I'll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.

See you tomorrow, Henry.

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