Chapter 10: Summer's Decision and The Final Underworld Escape

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Kurai and Athena had successfully made it through the barrier guarding the Underworld Castle, and were now traveling through the skies in the Outskirts of the Underworld, where fearsome troops were stationed. Day was about to break, and they flew cautiously through the Orange skies. Athena was worried they wouldn't make it in time, and Hades would notice they were missing. Nonetheless, she tried to keep calm and continue on her mission. She was running on high Adrenaline, from the excitement and fear of escape. "C'mon Kurai."
She urged as they flew through the vicious skies of the Underworld.
She saw a few Ornes and Clubberskulls, which unsettled her.
She could tell Kurai was nervous too.
"It's okay. We should reach the portal in about half an hour. But we need to hurry and get there before daybreak.."
She said as she patted the Monoeye.
They continued to slowly fly, but Kurai was getting exhausted. The ground was far below, but Athena figured it was best to take a break.
"Alright Kurai. Let's take a break."
Relieved, The Monoeye slowed down, and floated down to the ground, which was covered with thick black fog. The closer they got to the ground, the more visible Underworld troops became.
Gruesomely they walked around, patrolling for enemy forces. Athena was tense, for she was worried she would become the enemy soon. They crawled everywhere, like roaches. Making ground, Athena was cautious to avoid them. Soon, Kurai tiredly fell to the ground, and Athena searched for a safe place. She found a collection of black rocks stacked together, and she figured it would be an okay makeshift shelter for the time being. Athena quietly dragged the monoeye into the shelter, where she herself plopped down in tiredness. Her face was covered with black residue from the fog, and dirt seeped into wounds she had in her hands. It stung. She opened her bag and took out the water canteen. After giving some water to Kurai, she poured some over her injured hands to clean them out, and then put on some gloves she had packed. She looked out of the cracks in the rock house, and saw a Shelbo lurking nearby, even an Armin. It wasn't safe to leave yet, so she decided she'd take maybe 20 minutes to take a short nap. She knew she had to escape before day, before Hades noticed she was missing. She had to be sure the nap would last no longer. Kurai had already fallen into a sleep, so eager to join the Monoeye, Athena curled herself up into a ball on the Rocky floor, and used her bag as a pillow. She didn't waste time getting her blanket out, knowing she didn't have time to make herself comfortable. Closing her eyes, sleep was almost instant. And so in an instant started her dreams...
Athena stood in a Light vs. Dark arena in Skyworld, with citizens cheering, and her name on the leaderboard. Dressed in prestigious armor, that of a fighter, she stood boldly and bravely with Aegis at her side as her hair blew with the breeze. She took notice of Lady Palutena, sitting on a throne. Palutena smiled, and gave her a gesture of approval. Smiling back Athena slipped on her helmet, and turned to the teammates at her side.
"Alright everyone. Let's do this. For the dark team!" She exclaimed. The fighters nodded approvingly, and drew their weapons. Standing in starting positions, Athena readied herself for the countdown. She took deep breaths, and grasped her weapon tighter. Feeling confident, she was ready. This was the happiest she had ever been.
Suddenly, a vision of Hades popped into her head. He sported a sinister smile as he ordered a young Athena to kill. A Vision of her younger self crying was stapled in too.
Athena grew unsettled at the image she couldn't get out of her head.
Another vision took over her brain, images of Summer, her first friend reminding her of guilt she had for leaving her. Also, images of Summer's brutality towards her own troops continued to sicken her.
Athena tried to rid herself of the disturbing thoughts, but she couldn't.
Everything she knew from her past came at her all at once. All of the cruel scenes she had seen, all of the people she had killed, memories from her beating and crying all shot into her head like a bullet. Image after image, and she couldn't make them go away.
She began to cry in terror, for remembering all these things had distressed her so much.
At the GO! The Sky above the arena turned orange, and Underworld troops filled the skies. The arena started to crumble, and she couldn't see Palutena anymore. Everyone had disappeared, and now Athena was alone, in a destroyed Skyworld. Her Armor began to dissolve too, leaving her wearing a simple peasant tunic, with shackles bearing the Underworld symbol at her ankles. Hades appeared in the sky and laughed.
"What, did you really think you could escape me? Silly girl!" He laughed maliciously.
"I suppose you'll have to pay then, hm?"
Hades Snickered as he stuck his giant clawed hand into the arena and picked her up.
She cried, struggling to be free.
Hades continued to laugh, and Athena trembled in terror at the thought of going back. Her life was over.
Athena woke up startled with a gasp, and breathed heavily. She was relieved it had only been a nightmare, but it still traumatized her.
"Wait, what time is it?!!!" She thought, as she looked outside. She had been fearful she had overslept, but luckily, she hadn't. Relieved again, she woke up Kurai.
"A-Alright... We should probably get moving."
She looked at Kurai sympathetically.
Her heart still beating quickly, she patted the monoeye, who slowly woke up. Noticing Athena's unsteady stature, Kurai moved closer to comfort her a little. Athena had been fine up to that point, but after that dream, she was more scared than ever before about getting caught, or worse. She hugged Kurai, and shakily stood up, grabbing her bag. She looked through the cracks of the rocks to make sure no troops were around again, and noting that they were safe, she cautiously made her way out of the little rock shelter. Kurai followed her closely from behind. They snuck around through the black smokey-fog, avoiding thorns, jagged rocks, and more underworld troops until they could find a good spot to fly off into the air again. Athena worried about the time, noticing the sky was getting brighter, so as soon as she spotted a good area, she hopped onto Kurai and flew up into the sky. She gripped her bag tightly as hot winds began to blow. Once they were in the air, Athena was eager to move quickly. The wind was a bit hard to navigate through, but Athena was certain that they were nearing the exit. Athena could tell that Kurai was struggling, but the Monoeye was persistent, and refused to give up, even as the hot winds blew uncomfortably into the eye. As they flew, Other Underworld creatures flew by one by one as well, which worried Athena and reminded her that it was almost about time for the morning patrols. Would she make it to the exit on time? She drew out the map of the underworld in her mind to be sure. She had never been this far off, so she had to rely on her knowledge of the outskirts to pin out where she was. She thought about what she might have passed, and what she needed to pass before she hit the exit.
"Let's see..."
She thought.
"I've passed the entrance thicket, the cloudy bog, the underworld rock valley, and a couple of troop colonies, so that means....I should be hitting the exit next up."
She was a bit relieved and sighed.
"We're gonna make it, Kurai!"
She happily explained.
But then, She looked at the sky, and to her horror, it was now day time in the Underworld.
Her face turned pale and her hands trembled.
"Oh no...Hades is going to know I'm gone by now...."
Her heart beat faster.
"C'mon Kurai, we need to hurry."
She pressured with fear in her eyes.

Meanwhile, at the Underworld Castle, it was about the normal time for Athena and Summer to be on their way to their practice session. Normally, Summer and Athena would head to practice together, but today Summer was alone. Just earlier, she had gone to help Athena escape the underworld, and had to accept the fact she would be alone for good. She was still a little angry, and couldn't quite understand why Athena left, but she knew she had to be a good friend and help her. As she awoke, her head was filled with concern. What would Hades say? What would he do? What if Athena gets caught? She was a little curiously frightened at the possibilities, but kept a straight face as she got ready for another seemingly normal day of practice. She brushed her wild hair, put on her battle gear, and prepared herself for Hades' wrath. She still could not stop thinking about Athena, and If she had escaped already. She wondered what was next for her. She grabbed her Ignis sword and headed out to the main hall of the Underworld castle, where she was to await Hades' commands.
Upon arriving, she spotted the devilish Underworld God sitting menacingly in his large throne. He smiled a sinister smile and stroked his chin with his sharp claws as he saw Summer walk in. She gulped, and continued forward. Her footsteps echoed through the hall, and the ceiling above her she noticed was higher up than she had originally thought. She looked up at the spiked chandeliers, and cryptic symbols on the walls trying to occupy her mind with something other than concern. Next to Hades stood a suit of Skuttler and a Skuttler Mage, most likely guarding him. He called her forth.
"Come, Summer."
He chuckled.
Summer stepped forward cautiously, but kept a face of a warrior. When she was close enough, she kneeled down to her God in respect and grasped her sword.
"Lord Hades," she said boldly.
"What's my task for today?"
The Underworld lord smiled and laughed.
"Why hello Summer, such a wonderful day, isn't it?"
Summer confusedly looked up.
"Um, yeah, I guess it's okay milord."
Hades paused and looked at her as if to see through her soul. He leaned closer to Summer and placed a claw on her chin.
He snickered and then with a calm voice he whispered.
"Don't you notice something a little, maybe different?"
Summer shook her head.
"Nope, Just ready for another day of training, Lord Hades."
She responded, lying.
"You don't think maybe someone is missing? Because, I recall you normally come to train with a petite brunette girl bearing blue eyes, who is also a commander of my army....I don't suppose you know her? Y'know, Athena? Well, where is she?"
Summer shook her head. She hated having to lie to Hades, but did.
"I'm not sure. She wasn't at her home and I couldn't find I thought she might be here already. I guess I was wrong."
Summer shrugged, trying not to show emotion.
"I see...."
Hades began to laugh, but the more he laughed, the more sinister it sounded, and his eyes began to narrow with anger.
"So you don't know...where of my strongest Underworld Army commanders....and one of my biggest weapons again do don't know... WHERE SHE IS?!"
His voice erupted into an angry boom.
Summer shook a little, but kept chill.
"I know just about as much as you, Lord Hades. Not much. I really don't know where she could be."
Hades laughed in anger and disbelief, and grabbed Summer by the neck. His claws dug into her skin and she flinched with a little pain.
"Well, we're going to find her!"
He yelled.
Summer's neck bled from the claws clasping onto her, but she continued to speak.
"I will do everything...I can to find her...and bring her back...Hades..."
She muttered as she was unable to move.
"She'll wish she never ditched training. She'll wish she never left the Underworld. When I'm through with her, she'll regret EVER ESCAPING ME! I WANT HER FOUND ALIVE, BUT BARELY, AND BROUGHT OVER HERE SO I CAN SHOW HER JUST WHAT IT MEANS TO ABANDON THE UNDERWORLD ARMY!"
He yelled, his voice echoing everywhere.
He needed Athena back, for she had been a large part of his plan to destroy Skyworld. To him, it was imperative she was on his side. She was going to fight for him whether ah liked it or not.
He released his grip on Summer's throat, and She breathed heavily, wiping off the blood on her neck. Suddenly, she spoke.
"Lord Hades, as your lead commander in charge, I promise to bring back the traitor and bring her the suffering she needs. The Underworld Army will prevail!"
She yelled, breathily as she gripped her sword tighter.
She knew she had already helped Athena, and still wanted to, but she knew she had a duty now as the only lead commander of the Underworld Army. She felt guilty, but she knew she couldn't let down her army.
Hades smiled and nodded.
"Good good Summer...."
Summer bowed and drew her sword.
She then turned around and walked toward a balcony facing the outside of the castle, raising her sword into the air. It gleamed and lit off a fire, signaling nearby Underworld troops. Drawn to the light, they listened to Summer's commands.
"Listen up! Your former commander Athena is a traitor to the Underworld and must be hunted down. So look for her everywhere, scour the Underworld until you find her! Don't let her get away! Bring her back wanting to never leave again! All of yous, go find her now!"
She yelled.
But on the inside, she was deep in thought.
"I'm sorry Athena. I'm going to help you as much as I can, but I've got an army I need to fight for, and I'm not going to abandon it. I hope for the best for you, no really, I do...but if anything happens, it's not my problem..."
She sighed, a small tear flowing out of her eye.
She remember how she had helped Athena escape just earlier.
She put her sword down and the troops scattered the air, setting off on their mission to find Athena.
Summer quickly drained herself of her mixed emotions and wiped her face before turning back to Hades.
Pleased, he clapped and Summer bowed.
"I promise you I won't fail you. We'll beat Skyworld!"
Hades smiled sinisterly and chuckled.
"That's the exact mindset I like. Make me proud Summer. Death to anyone that stands in our way."
Summer nodded and pushed hair out of her face. She was now lead commander, and would do anything to keep that position. Even if it came with doubts.
As the troops chaotically flew and scattered around, Hades took one last look at Summer.
"Alright. Just because all of this happened doesn't mean you can skip training today!~"
He hissed.
"So get to work!"
He yelled, his voice booming again.
"Oh yeah, right!"
Summer saluted and ran off quickly, carrying Ignis in one hand and clenching a fist in the other.
"Hurry up and get out of here Athena..."
She thought.

Athena and Kurai were dashing to leave.
She feared it was too late, and Hades troops were after her. It was only a matter of time before they were caught.
"We've got to be super unnoticeable!"
She urged Kurai, who was using up all energy to fly.
The hot winds continued to blow fiercely and left Athena in a sweat. She Carried Aegis in her hand, readying herself for an attack. She knew it was coming. Quickly, she looked behind her and prepared herself emotionally. Her mindset was focused, and she was ready to fight for her freedom. Kurai pressed on, and soon enough nearing the horizon came several troops. As soon as they spotted Athena, they dashed closer at a speed faster than Kurai could beat. Noticing this, Athena smiled warmly and patted Kurai on top.
"It's okay Kurai!~ you can stop. I can do this."
Kurai was confused and worried, but Athena's warm smile gave The Monoeye the confidence it needed to believe she was prepared.
Kurai stopped mid-air, and Athena stood up on the monoeye, preparing to strike. It hurt her to have to brutally destroy these troops, but she knew it was for the best.
It was all or nothing now, and Athena had to prove she was ready to fight.
The underworld troops drew closer and closer, as death itself was coming to visit her. They outnumbered her greatly,but Athena had the heart and soul to believe she could take them.
She might've been but a young age, not yet even a teenager, but she was quite strong. She took a breath and pushed her hair out of her face as the hot winds blew in her face.
"Here I go."
As a few syrens flew at her, she jumped onto the tops of enemy monoeyes flying at her and slashed her blade. One by one the Syrens fell to the ground, and Athena leaped in the air twirling her blade before slicing it into the oncoming Shelbos approaching. They attempted to suck her into reach, but Athena swiftly slashed nearby monoeyes into their grasps instead, giving her a chance to take them down faster. She had to leap fast to keep up in this midair battle, or she would fall. Down below were jagged rocks and more enemies. With that in mind, She hoped her balance wouldn't fail her as more troops started coming her way. She panted as she took aggressive swings toward more and more troops, coming at her quickly and strongly. Trying to hold off the weaker enemies, she fired shots at them from afar and Meleed the closer and stronger ones. She could feel her heart beating fast, and her brunette hair flew in her face. The bitter air stung her wounds, and ash fell from the sky. Despite those uncomfortable factors, She continued to fire at faraway enemies and slash at Syrens flying at her. suddenly, she felt an immense pain on her face.
She moaned as she felt blood dripping from her cheek. It felt warm and sticky, and she turned to face a Mik, who sliced her again with its long powerful tongue on her arm, throwing her back off the back of an enemy Keron. As she fell, she shot a charged shot at the Mik, knocking it out of the sky. She landed on a Specknose hard, causing her to blackout for a split second. She shook her head, and looked ahead. When she could make out what what's happening, she noticed a monolith was coming at her fast. She panicked and quickly jumped up to dodge it, leaving the Specknose to get hit by it instead, causing it to fall to the ground. This time when she jumped though, there was nothing below her, and she found herself falling to the ground. She looked down, gripping her blade tightly, watching as she drew closer to the sharp rocks on the ground, and her heart pounded fast.
"Ah..crap..Kurai help me!"
She cried. She reached upward, and breathed faster in fear as she neared the ground.
Upon hearing the name, Kurai jumped up and rushed to her aid, catching her before she could fall to her death. She quickly grabbed hold of the Monoeye, and she felt at ease again.
Athena smiled, still in pain, but was grateful to Kurai.
"Kurai! Thank you so much..."
She paused for a second to regain her focus.
"That was close. Too close. I really really don't want that to happen Are you willing to help me fight?"
She asked, trying to comfort the Monoeye.
After that scare, Kurai Agreed wholeheartedly and blinked as if to nod.
Athena smiled smugly.
"Now let's kick some more Underworld butt yo!"
She stood up, and Kurai flew upwards acting as a hovercraft as they went back up into the fray. Athena was badly injured, but she had managed to take out a majority of the enemies at her hands. She continued to shoot charged shots at the enemies, and meleed another few miks, monoeyes, syrens and kerons. Spotting a Mega mussel nearby, she shot at it. It quickly responded by shooting back at her, hitting her in the leg and injuring her. It continued to shoot at her leaving her to dodge what she still could.
She panted faster and gripped her leg in pain before finishing off the Mega mussel with one charged shot and sending it to fall down to the ground. She continued to take shots from some enemies, but she also managed to dodge most of them and defeat many of the troops coming to destroy her. A kamayto then suddenly latched to her head which immobilized her. She struggled to get it off, panicking as it sucked the life out of her. Her vision became blurry, and she was unable to escape. She only had a few enemies left in this wave, and if she could defeat them, she could escape before a second wave came to get her. Keeping that in mind, she thrusted her arms and legs to release herself from the kamayto's grasp, and then tried shooting at it, but her attacks were useless. She twirled her blade in frustration and meleed at it, hitting it multiple times with Aegis' sharp edge. The Kamayto fell out of the sky defeated, and Athena breathed heavily in exhaustion as she stood atop Kurai awaiting more enemies. But to her surprise, the rest were fleeing? Was this a miracle?
They flew back into the Orange sky, and back to The Underworld castle in the distance. Athena looked up at the black, smokey clouds and sighed Happily.
"Kurai! We did it!"
She smiled, still breathing heavily in exhaustion and covered with blood. She was injured badly, but was too happy to care.
"Let's go before a next wave catches up with us..."
She prompted.
Kurai understood and flew forward quickly as Athena sat down on The Monoeye, traveling a bit further. That's all there was left to go. Just a little further. Athena checked her bag, making sure she still had everything after that mess.
As she was checking, Kurai stopped abruptly.
Athena questioned why Kurai stopped, and then she looked up. In front of her was a large portal. It was a mix of colors like orange, yellow and black, which seemed to exaggerate boldly as they swirled around quickly in circles.
Athena gazed at the sight in awe. She had never seen it in person, but she had been dreaming of this moment for a very long time. She thought to herself,
"Just beyond that portal lay my future. I've been waiting so long for this...and now, it's finally happening."
She cried a tear of joy, and her blue eyes became glassy pools of water and happiness.
"This is it Kurai. Are you ready to live a new life and future?"
She smiled.
Kurai eagerly blinked and Athena could tell it was time.
She looked behind her and smiled.
"Bye bye Underworld! Hopefully I'll never see you again..."
Looking back was a bit nostalgic, but nonetheless she hated the underworld and was ready to leave. Then she came across another thought that made her bittersweet.
"And Bye Summer. Thanks for everything. You were my first friend, and I'll never forget that. Hopefully one day you'll discover the Underworld isn't all that great and you'll come join me. But until then..."
She murmured.
Athena turned back around and sighed, then smiled again.
Covered with injury and pain, Athena patted Kurai and grasped Aegis.
"Ready?...okay. let's go."
She giggled a little out of excitement and urged Kurai forward.
Obeying her commands and eager to move, Kurai moved closer toward the portal, until finally...they eventually got swallowed up by it.
Athena and Kurai had successfully escaped the Underworld, and were now on their way to the next part in their journey; the Overworld.

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