Chapter 3: Thanks.

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That night, Athena began to wonder about everything that had happened in the past day.

A new girl named Summer was suddenly now a co-commander, Athena had fallen out a window, and Hades had been even more despicable.

At training earlier, while Athena sighed at taking down her own troops for practice, Summer gladly and ferociously attacked, leaving not a single Mik or Skuttler alive.


Summer had said.


Said Athena with a blank face, looking at all of the dead troops, and not making eye contact. She stood still as if in shock, but she was truly and utterly tired of everything.

"Shouldn't you, I don't know, maybe take out some more troops?! We're working for an Elite Army here!"

Exclaimed Summer.

"I'm not sure I would call it "Elite"..."

Athena mumbled to herself.


Asked Summer.

"Nothing. Just nothing, yo."

"Athena...I wonder if you really wanna fight for this army."

Summer walked up to Athena and looked at her concerned.

"Yes, I just love the Underworld Army so much."

Said Athena, unenthusiastic.

It wasn't what she was thinking, but she knew anything else would've killed her.

"No really, I can tell you just absolutely hate this."

Summer raised an eyebrow.

"If you're implying I'm weak, I can assure you you're wrong."

"That's not what I was saying."

"Just shut up. Lets just finish this."

Athena mumbled, changing the subject.

They continued to fight, and every blow made Athena sigh. Summer continued to slaughter the monsters, smugly.

"Ugh. This girl's pretty Arrogant. She's probably just one of those troublemaker little girls everybody shuns."

Athena thought.


Back to the present, Athena had been walking to her little shack, with her blade in her hand, and chewing bubblegum.

The bright red sky had turned maroonish, which meant it was night.

She yawned and blew a bubble.

It was at that moment She saw Summer behind her.

"Hey hey hey. Where are you going?"

Asked Summer.

"Home. Where else?"

Said Athena, blank faced with her arms crossed.

Summer put her arm out and stopped Athena from walking any further.

"Lets battle real quick. It'll just take a moment."

Athena's bubble popped in shock.

"What?! Why?"

"Lets test your skills. I just wanna see who's stronger."

Said Summer, with a devilish smile.

"Does it matter?"

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