Chapter 8: A Year Later: Breaking the News

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A year in Athena's time had past.

Boy, it went by quickly.

But she was still in the Underworld.

Mostly everything had stayed the same, except Athena had grown as a warrior, and her and Summer were becoming a more powerful team.

But still, Her hatred for the Underworld Army stayed very much.

"Athena, c'mon. I put something in the fort!"

Yelled Summer, demandingly.

"Ok ok I'm coming!.."

Athena laughed, running after her firey red headed friend.

But today wasn't exactly the same as any other day.

Athena had finally planned out everything. Perfectly.

She knew it was her final day in the Underworld, and she was excited, yet nervous to put her well thought out plan to the test. But she still couldn't bring herself to tell Summer her plan to just leave.

In honesty, Summer didn't even KNOW about Athena's hatred for the Underworld. Athena feared she might end of having her only friend hate her. But in the end, maybe it would be for the better.

The two girls ran toward the fort, just like they always did. Up the hill, with the energy of a million batteries.

Athena knew she was gonna miss Summer, and she was gonna miss these days going to the fort, but she knew it would all work out in the end, even if Summer began to hate her.

"Ok ok..." Summer panted as she reached the top, quickly followed by Athena.


Athena gasped.

" or what?"

Mumbled Summer.

Right by the fort was the coolest Armor Athena had ever seen.

It was shiny gold, with many metal spikes and an intricately designed helmet. The boots were especially neat, with even deadly detailing. She also noticed some beautiful Gauntlets.

Athena jumped in excitement,

Much to Summer's Annoyance.

"I take it you like it?

Whatever. Anyways, Hades got us new armor. It's supposed to help us out a little more."

Summer explained.

Athena continued Admiring the armor until she suddenly stopped and backed away. The sudden memory of her leaving popped into her head, and she knew she wasn't going to be able to wear it.


Athena sighed.

"W-well, that's great! I'm sure it'll help us a bunch yo."


Replied Summer, rolling her eyes.

Athena walked toward Summer and led her inside the fort.

"C'mon. We gotta talk."

"Huh? Is something wrong? Ok?..."

Summer was confused, but followed her anyways.

The girls stepped into the fort, the wood creaking as they stepped on it.

"Is there any Underberry juice left?"

Asked Summer.

"Yep! I saved some."

Yelled Athena as she tossed a box to her.

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