Chapter 1: Young Prodigy

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"Oh COME ON. Is that Reaaallly all you can do? Hmm hmm."

The Lord of the Underworld stood tall above an arena covered with blood. Dead Underworld monsters lay upon the ground along with Centurions and Humans. There was a little girl with a blade in her hand in the fray. She felt powerful and unstoppable, but her heart shattered at the sight. Her lip pouted, and her Blue eyes began to tear. She twirled her Brunette ponytail as she looked around in fear at everything she had killed.

The little girl's name was Athena. Athena Ariadne. She didn't know much about herself, or even how she was able to kill everything at such a young age. She was only 7, but a formidable fighter. She didn't quite understand the act of murder, but knew very well slaughtering friend and

foe alike was wrong.

She continued to stand in the bloody mess as more enemies came.

"Hades! I can't do this yo! let me stop!" Cried the girl as she sliced a Mik in half with one hand, while covering her eyes with the other. Her hand full of blood, mixed with her

tears, and made her blue eyes burn.

"Why ever would I do that? You have to keep training Athenaaa.... And do you know why?"

Hades moved his head toward the girl and put his claw on her chin, making her head face his hideous face.


Athena's arms shook, for she knew what this god was capable of.

"Why? Because without you, how am I supposed to find a fighter as good as that stupid little Light Angel, Pit?! He was able to take out Medusa a while back, and when I resurrect her, I want nothing but death from the light side and the humans. We'll put an end to Palutena, an end to Pit, and an end to the WHOLE WORLD!" Laughed Hades with a sinister laugh as he swiped his hand through the arena, killing everyone, including some of his troops.

"You see Athena, you're going to train for the rest of your life, even if you die trying."

Said Hades with a light tone, though his face, his purple and red face with the hideous fangs, showed an Evilly Sinister smile.

Athena dropped her blade and sighed. She just wanted to be one of the normal Overworld children she saw and often had to lure to the Underworld so their souls could be given to Hades. She didn't want to have to do that anymore, she just wanted to be normal.

Honestly, Athena enjoyed fighting.

She was just incredibly scared of her strength. It was also the innocent people she had to slaughter that made her heart drop. Many a time she had to make friends with an Overworld child, just to see them perish right in front of her. But she knew if she didn't do this, her own soul would be ripped out of her. It was a lot for a 7 year old to take in. She had been seven for years, but non mortal beings had long life spans, and aged slowly. These years went by as fast as one human year, so it never really felt long to the gods and goddesses. However, Athena wasn't a non mortal being, so she was a special case.

Hades was a Lord who had a dark humor, and had a thirst for souls. Souls that Athena had to retrieve. Some souls got turned into Underworld monsters of which Hades always sent to the Overworld to attack humans. His plans were always foiled by a little angel boy about Athena's age who would save the humans every time.

10 years in the past, the little angel boy slayed Medusa, Hades' pawn on the battlefield. Of course, Hades wasn't expecting it, but took it as a chance to improve Medusa and resurrect her to take down the humans, Skyworld, and the rest of the world for good. Ever since Medusa's fall, Hades had been planning her resurrection, which was set to happen in another 15 years human years. Since Athena aged divinely, she would be around 14 in human body years.

Hades was taking advantage of this gift, for he was preparing her for her 14th (human body age) birthday, to make her strong enough for a short, permanent amount of time to crush Pit.

" I really have to do this yo?"

Said Athena frowning with a sigh.

"What did I tell you Athena? Of course you do. Now, come on and we'll celebrate the uprising of hell while we chomp on delicious souls! But instead, it'll just be me, while you go back to your little shack and practice by yourself." Laughed Hades with a malicious smile.

"Go on now Athena. I have better things to do than watch you slowly walk home."

Athena's eyebrows protruded and she pouted her lip making a frustrated, grumpy expression. She crossed her arms as she stomped off the arena, forgetting all the dead carcasses on the floor. Hades watched her walk off, as Athena began to think to her frustrated self.

"It's just not fair! I just hate this so much! I may be somewhat young, but can I have choices?! Why can't I just fight for fun, without killing innocent people like me! Ugh!"

She continued to stomp away, looking at hades in this red, beady eyes.

Hades just looked at her sinisterly.

The sky in the Underworld was blood red, and Athena could see Underworld troops flying across, with black, smokey cloud trails. The Underworld castle stood tall in the distance. It was black, and gothic.

Athena didn't want to be apart of this. What was the point of being the "bad guy" anyways? She knew she could never beat Pit, the angel of the light. Being head commander was a bit much. She didn't exactly know how to handle her strength, so she wasn't of much use, yet.

She arrived at her little room, where she flopped onto her bed, kicking off her boots.


She closed her eyes and put her hand over her heart.

"This is stupid. How did I even get stuck doing this?" Said Athena as she opened her eyes and looked at the plain, reddish roof.

She sighed, sat up and went through a stack of things she had picked up off the ground that looked interesting to ease her mind.

A shiny pebble she found near the lave...

A red inked writing tool....

An old Overworld coin...

A light brown rock...


She thought it was just a light brown rock, but when she picked it up, it felt like crumpled paper. She pulled it open to find it WAS in fact paper.

It didn't have an Underworld insignia on it, but a Skyworld one. Athena pulled it out of the stack, and she then remembered what it was. She smiled and held it to the window to see better.

"Skyworld's mightiest sport! Come see two of the most Angelic sporting events, Light Vs. Dark and Free For All!"


Said Athena, starry eyed. On the picture, there was a gallant fighter, holding a blade much like Athena's. Athena remembered how she wanted to be a fighter in Skyworld. Bravely fighting for her team, or heroically fighting for herself, not for brutality or death, but for fun, and Sportsmanship.

She looked out her window at the Blood red sky, and the sinister looking castle. Again she saw troops bringing back souls, as Hades feasted on them like a jolly fool. She sighed as she sent out orders for some other Underworld troops.

"Yo, How long do I have to deal with this?"


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