Chapter 6: Fun

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It was noon in the Underworld, and the sky was a light orange. Still dark, but light compared the darker, more dreadful hours of the day. 9 "year" old Athena found herself dragging Summer with her to play on a mountaintop. As they ran, their feet kicked up red dust.

They climbed up to the top of the mountain, where Athena showed Summer a place nobody had known about.

Her fort.

"Ahh, there it is. Heh."

Athena chuckled.

"I come here when there's nowhere else to go, ya know?"

Summer examined the fort.

It was made out sturdy wood and clay, complete with a roof, an upper floor and a lower floor, and some swings.

It was like a playhouse, but with some more, fighter-like features. It also had a weapon storage cabinet, a couple bottles of "Drink of the Gods," and training dummies.

It was actually very nice compared to most things in the Underworld.

Summer nodded.

"Okay, so, what do you wanna do?"

Athena smirked.

"Let me show you round.

We're gonna come here more often ya know."

She waved her hand to call Summer to follow her.

Summer trotted up behind her, and Athena led a tour without hesitation.

They entered the lower section.

"Okay, so this is my relaxing area. After I'm done playing, I can come in here and get a snack, sit down at my table, listen to the Underworld radio, and pretty much do whatever. Snacks are in that cold chest right there, there's some paper over there in case I feel like mapping something out or drawing..."

Athena pointed everything out.

Summer nodded again in satisfaction.

She had never really gotten a chance to be a kid so she was excited, even if she didn't show it.

"...okay. Show me more."

"Right this way...!"

Athena led Summer to the upper part of the Fort, which was completely different. Up there there were the dummies, and weapons and more.

"You see, here I like to train. I have some weapons here, and of course the training dummies. I own some targets, and I think this is a pretty straightforward part. C'mon, there's one more thing I wanna show you."

They climbed down, and on the other side of the fort were 2 swings.

Summer looked skeptical.

"Er, what do you use these for?"

"These yo, are purely for fun."

She walked up to a swing and sat on it.

"Wanna see who can go higher?"

It was tempting for Summer, for she was always on for a competition.

"Sure. But, you're gonna lose!"

Summer ran up to the other swing and sat down.

"Ready? Go!"

They kicked their feet up in the air, and began to swing. The faster they kicked, the higher into the sky they flew.

"I-I'm beating you!"

Exclaimed Athena as her swing moved further from the ground.

"I'll kill you if I lose!"

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