Chapter 2: Who are YOU?

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Athena had been going through the same routine over and over again.

Preparing for Medusa's Resurrection was a lot of work in the Underworld.

It was now only 5 years until her resurrection, and Athena was now 9 in human body years. It was getting really old just practicing and practicing for something she didn't want to do. But she hid it anyways, for it was no use complaining. But still, She always kept that Skyworld Fighter picture in her pocket, hoping one day she could be there.

"Athena, get over here for a minute..."


Athena heard Hades' annoying voice. He probably had another dumb "go kill a couple people" jobs. Ugh.

She polished her blade and put her hair up in a ponytail. She put on her red bow, and made sure her commander's uniform was nicely intact. Before leaving, she picked up her Skyworld picture, and kissed it before putting it in her pocket.

"Coming, Yo."

She sighed, rolled her eyes, and through her blade in the air.

She began to run down to the Underworld Castle, and scurried down a stairwell. As She passed one solitude window, she noticed thousands of troops gathering in the courtyard.


Athena, confused, turned around, stopped and looked out the stairwell window.

From outside she could see Hades, and a crowd around a spot in front of him. They seemed to be...cheering.

This was very odd; Not right at all. Athena was a little frustrated, and wondered what was going on. She poked her head further, and further out the window....


Her arms slipped, and she found herself falling out the window.

She could see her arms flailing in the air, and the ground coming right toward her. The hard ground. The hard rocky ground. The hard, rocky, and dirty ground. The hard, rocky, dirty ground next to lava.

When she finally was able to control her body, she straightened out her arms and legs, and begun to gracefully fall. She had been taught to skydive, for this could be useful in battle.

To bad she didn't know how to land.

When she came closer to the ground, she realized this, and began to panic.


She smacked onto the ground, and landed on her leg. she (disoriented) lifted her head up and groaned as she stared cross-eyed at the blood falling down her nose. Rocks were in her hair, in her skin, and her knees and arms were scraped badly. Her uniform was even torn. Not to mention all the blood. Her leg was sprained, but being a strong fighter, Athena had to deal with it and wear a straight face. But under that straight faced mask was a regular girl who was crying inside.

She looked at her hands, and tried to pick herself up. When she finally picked herself up, she shook off her head, and began to sloppily limp away, attempting to run to the courtyard where the mysterious cheers were coming from.

"So close to the pool of lava Athena. What the hell were you thinkin yo?"

Athena thought to herself as she brushed off her uniform, continuing to limp.

She made it to a bush, where she snooped before actually entering the courtyard. What she saw confused her greatly.

There was a girl with Firey red hair, who looked like she could've been just an ordinary Overworld girl. Maybe she was. She wore her hair in a ponytail, and swung a sword around with power. She looked to be around Athena's age, which confused her a little.

"Who is this girl, and what is she doing here?"

She wondered.

The Girl smiled as she took out some Underworld troops, and didn't seem to flinch when she did. To Athena, fighting her own was unthinkable and hard. This girl didn't even care.

As Athena poked her head out of the bush to get a better look, Hades got sight of her.

"Oh lookie who it is! It's our...other Commander."

Hades said, smiling maliciously.

Athena slowly came out of the bushes, and smiled awkwardly.

"Um...Is there any reason you failed to mention the arrival of girl?"

Athena glared at Hades.

"Wait. That's my fellow commander? I didn't think she'd be so...sloppy and amateur."

Said the girl.

"I'm Soo sorry. Well Not really, but anyways, Athena, this is Summer. You are now co-commanders. Oh, and Summer, this is Athena, Yadda Yadda Yadda. "

Said Hades, making a mouth with his Claws.

"Athena? Well, glad to meet you. But I do say you're not exactly what I was expecting."

Said Summer, looking a little confused.

"And what exactly were you expecting?"

Asked Athena, while pricking rocks out of her hair.

"Oh...I dunno... Someone more...professional looking."

Said Summer, rolling her eyes.

"Who's to talk Overworld girl?!"

"Ladies, ladies I don't need my commanders killing each other now. So lets keep it clean for a minute. As much as I would enjoy a bloodfest mmhmm..."

Said Hades, separating the girls from each other.

"Summer has a hatred for humans just as strong as her muscles. Despite me just picking her up from an ordinary Overworld village."

He continued, as Summer stood proud.

"I can't stand those insolent fools! They're all idiots fighting wars and killing each other's families, so what's to live for? Some people are so cruel that theyll even abandon their Daughters! B-but anyways, They can all die for all I care. Which is why I've sided with the Underworld, to take down the light army. With Palutena and her forces down, she can't defend the humans."

Said Summer with her sword In her hand.

"Oh... Well that's... Something."

Said Athena, thinking about Palutena and the Light army.

"What about you? How were you worthy to join?"

Asked Summer, wondering about her predecessor.

"Uh...I was born into it. Ya know, fighting...and obviously the Underworld yo."

Said Athena, still pricking rocks.

"Oh... That's.... Riveting."

Said Summer, obviously expecting a better story.

"Again, no bloodshed. At least not yet.... Aheh..."

Said Hades with his now famous Malicious smile.

Athena and Summer stood there, just kind of annoyed.

"Now you to hurry up and get ready. We have an ever so long list of trainings you need to start. Ahaha..."

As they started to walk away, Summer began to speak.

"We both work for the Underworld army, so lets just try to get along."

Athena looked at her and nodded, then shrugged.

"Good because I'm pretty sure you and I don't wanna end up dead."

And with that, Athena held her wounds in pain while limping toward her room.


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