RIDL - 28

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War almost throw that phone away after reading a message that just came into his phone. 

War then turns his sight to the door as it is opened by someone. 

'Sir, what are you doing?' the nurse who just entered the room looks surprised seeing War not on his bed and currently not wearing the hospital cloths.

'Sir, you need to stay on your bed' the nurse said as he hurriedly approaches War

War seems to not care with the woman, he fixes his shirt, then takes his bag and about to leave the room when the nurse sun to block his way. 

'Sir, we cannot let you leave. We have not issues your discharged letter' She said 

'I'm fine' War said

'You are not allowed to leave, Sir. Please. You are not fully recovered yet' 

'Please, let's get back to your bed' the nurse tries to persuade War to return to his bed

'I will leave on my own accord, just give me that paper that I need to sign' 

'Don't worry, the hospital won't be held liable for anything' War said flatly

'It's not only about the paperwork, Sir. You are recovered yet. You just got surgery and an accident. Your wound is not healed yet'

'Please, stay for few more days, let us observe your condition to avoid any possible complication' 

'I can't stay here much longer. I need to go, please' War said 

'I'm sorry I can't let you leave, Sir' the nurse keeps blocking War 

'Then call the doctor, I'll talk to him' War said 

'Please wait here, Sir. I'll get the doctor to talk to you' War said 

The nurse left the room and War gets another message. He purses his lips then shuts his eyes, he couldn't stay there much longer. War walks towards the door and gets out from the room, in a bit of hurry, his body still producing lots of pain actually. He walks directly to the elevator, there is one opened, War hurriedly gets to that elevator. 

'War?' Yura who looks at War with so much worry 

War steps back and walks away toward another opened elevator but Yura swiftly blocks his way. 

'Where are you going?' Yura asked with full of concern

War doesn't answer it instead he tries to walk past Yura, but Yura carefully grabs his shoulder. 

'You are not fully recovered, War. You just got an accident and a surgery' 

'I'm fine' War again steps backwards to create some gaps from Yura 

'I need to leave' 

'Please send me the bill of the hospi-'

'No, you're not leaving anywhere' Yura said and walks forward to him

'I will not letting you go anywhere, not until you are fully fit' Yura said

Yura is about to reach for War's hand but War avoids it right away. 

'War, please' Yura said 

'Can we forget about the past, just for this time' he pleads 

'I won't be around you, you don't need to see me'

'Please, just stay for couple days more. Until the doctor says you are fine to leave' Yura continues to ask him


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