RIDL - 3

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'Have you seen Phi War?' 

The man asked shakes his head, he is the fourth person in that department that Anan encountered and asked about War's whereabout, and all of them didn't give Anan the information that he wanted. 

He sighs heavily, it's almost 6, the office hour almost over but he hasn't seen War since morning. He couldn't focus on his work the whole day after he heard about that news that War is going to be transferred to the reps. office in Bangladesh. He is contemplating of calling War or texting him, but he was so much in doubt, because he knows War doesn't like to be called or texted for whatever reason outside work. 

Anan takes out his phone, he scrolls down the names in his contact list, he stops and stares at  his screen, 'Should I call him?'  he murmurs, but before he could press that green button, his phone rings, that name called. 

'Yes, dad' 


'Everything is good in here. No problem' he said 

'How's London?' 

Anan chuckles a bit then stands up from his seat. 

'Dad, can you give Mr. Kluer's number' 


'Well, I think I will need it for sometime in the future' 

Anan nods and nods before he said goodbye and turns off the phone. 


War staring blankly at that half-emptied bottle in front of him, he has losing count on how many bottles of beer he has been taking since he is sitting in that bar. 

'I didn't do anything wrong' War said to the two persons sitting in front of him 

'we don't care' one of them said flatly

'you should have thought properly before messing around with someone that is not on your level!" 


'argghh!' War takes that bottle and drinks hard from it before he puts it down harshly on to the table, making some noises. 

Then he chuckles a bit, '..not on my level' he murmurs, 'you rich people really proud with your level...', again he talks to that bottle while chuckling ironically at himself. 

'Excuse me, one more' War said to the bartender with his face all ready red 

'Sir, you are having too much already. You drive?' the bartender asked with concern 

'I'm fine' War said 

'Just give one more!' he said a bit pissed this time

He gulps it down, almost emptied the bottle in one go. He doesn't seem to be hesitant about it. He shakes his head a bit, his body feels a bit lighter and his sight tends to be a bit blurry. 


Anan looks down at his watch, it's almost 11 but he still couldn't get himself to sleep rest. He is not heard anything from War, well, he hasn't tried to contact War since he is afraid that War will get irritated. But now, his concern has grown into worry. 

'Arrgghh..' he ruffles his hair due to frustration, he also doesn't get it why he couldn't stop thinking about War. 

'ah, whatever!' he said while calling War's number, his worriedness on War's whereabout has defeated his doubt. 


'uhmm..' Anan can hear that voice from the other end, he knows it's War's voice, but never he heard him humming like that, a bit soft and sounds seductive to his ear. Anan bites his lips a bit, but then a pretty loud music can be heard on the background. 

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