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Yin sits tiredly on that large sofa, still thinking about his encounter with War earlier. He is back to his office after his meeting with War in that emergency stairs only lasted for less than 15 minutes.


'I'm sorry...'  War said while releasing himself from Yin's embrace

'I don't mean to interrupt your schedule, but..' 

'Hei... hei... don't talk like that..' Yin cupped War's face 

Yin's thumb softly caress War's cheek, he then focused to a light scratch in War's left cheek bone. He leaned forward to look at it closely, he touched it and War flinched a bit. 

'What happened to your cheek, baby?' 

'Nothing' War said and took Yin's hands from his face 


'I messed up... that's it'  War said while lowering his sight 

'What happened?' 

War shook his head, 'You don't need this unnecessary stuffs to add to your-' 


Yin grabbed War's shoulder and made him to look at him. 

'I'm your boyfriend, you can share your problem with me' 

'I lov-' 

War abruptly leaned forward and captured Yin's lips to shut him up. He pressed his lips on to Yin's who happily accepted. Yin wrapped War's back and pulled him in closer to him and deepen that kiss. Yin really missed this, he never thought that he was longing for War this much even only just a few days they were apart. 

'I just wanted to see you, that's all...' War said 

'I saw you have time to meet her, so, I thought... if you could spare several minutes for me...' He whispered with a glint of sadness in his tone, that really pinched Yin's heart. 

Yin took War's hands, hold them tight, like he wanted to assure him 

'War, I can explain, it's-' 

'You don't need to explain anything' War cut him

Yin looked at him, surely anxious that War got the wrong idea about seeing him with Shila. 

'She is your good friend, you don't need to explain anything about meeting your friend' War said flatly 

'War-, I-' 

War released his  hands from Yin's, he looked at his watch. 

'my 10 minutes is up' War said and smiled 

War stood up, Yin looked up at him confused, while still sitting on that stair. 

'You need to get back, I don't want to take too much of your time' 

War was about to walk but Yin grabbed his hand as he stood up. 

'You want me to take  you home? I already told them that I've done for the day' Yin said 

War looked at him with a bit of guilt painted on his face, 'No need Yin, it's still 2pm, how could I go home at this hour', War smiled thinly. 

Yin reached out to War's cheek, caressed it softly with the back of his hand, 'but you look exhausted, love', he said 

War leaned forward and snuggled into Yin's broad chest. Yin welcomed him in his embrace, caresses his hair softly, hugged him tight. 

'This is enough..'  War whispered and snuggled into Yin's chest

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