🧨C h a p t e r 2 4 ~ S h o c k🧨

361 14 14

~ K a t a r a ' s  P o v ~

" Aang?"

I question staring at his alluring grey eyes

"Hey Katara I thought I drop by because I couldn't wait for you to get out of school, sorry"  Aang rubbed his neck

"Oh that's okay, did my parents let you in?" I question bitting my lip,i was nervous 

" yeah, they were so kind when I told you I was your...f-friend" Aang stuttered

"Oh good, anyways what did they tell you?" I ask curiously as I walk in the door

hopefully nothing too embarrassing 

"if you are preferring to something embarrassing, they said a lot..." Aang chuckled

"great..." i mumbled under my breath 

"hey Katara, i see you have found your friend come sit" my stepmom offered

"uhm i should get going" Aang said awkwardly looking at the dinner table 

"no, no, stay i have a whole buffet" my stepmom giggled

Aang slightly nodded and joined me at the dinner table 

"so Aang, how are your studies?" my dad asked crossing his arms

i felt Aang gulp and he replied

"uh, good..." he said rubbing his neck from the tension 

"normal grade?"my dad replied

" rarely Bs and mostly As" Aang explained

My dad raised his brow and turned to me with a surprised look

I put my utensils down

"Dad stop investigating Aang, he just a f-friend" i say as friend rolled off my tongue unnaturally 

Aang turned to me and slowly went back to eating 

"yeah give him a break" my stepmom confronted my dad

"sorry that this is dead awkward" i whispered to Aang

Aang looked at me and smiled

"i haven't been at a full dinner table in so long" Aang replied 

I softly smiled

"well i hope i met your standards " i joke

Aang looks at me and holds my hand under the table

"you met my standard many months ago" Aang teased

I blush and my parents look at me

"what are you two talking about?" my dad interpreted

I let go of Aang's hand swiftly and turn my head 

"ahh, nothing much, exams, assessments, continue" i say pointing at the food

They both raise and brow and gave each other looks and i eat in the awkward silence...

. . . 

"this is my room" i say as i open the door

Aang peeks inside and looks at the walls

"hey is your...

baby photos?" Aang chuckled looking at the hanging photo

"W-WHAT NO!" i say covering the photos

Aang gently moves my hand and red my name while i die from embarrassment 

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